Are the hebrew scriptures part of the Bible?
They are a part of most modern collection of scriptures, yes.
Does Gods name YHWH appear nearly 7000 times in the hebrew scriptures? all condone by God to be written and used, and in the case of psalms sung?
The constantans suggesting the divine name appear without vowels. To assume there is a supreme being and that the use of his name is 'condoned' by that is an assumption in itself.
Is there any scripture in the new testament fodbidding us to use Gods name?
I believe the old testament does make an issue about using the lord's name in vain. Better err on the side of caution, no? If there is a point to throw out the window, the old testament doesn't say anything against sex with children.. even in those top-ten commandments, the use of the divine name made the list, while "don't hurt innocent children" wasn't much of a concern. God apparently does have standards - and #2 on God's top ten list of sins is..... don't use my name in a way I don't like." Yes. The exact syntax in which you use the divine name is of greater importance than all of 1 other thing. (Fortunately, in the greek scriptures, Jesus covered for that crap, and set a new second commandment - loving your neighbor.)
Does Jesus directly quote scriptures that he only knew at the time to quote Gods name? (bear in mind Jesus didn't write the gospels and so when quoted he would meant the original hebrew scriptures)
Jesus quotes such scriptures, but there is no evidence he used the name. All written and anecdotal evidence (if he had spoken the name, he would have been arrested) support the position that he did NOT in fact use the name in public.
Lets be clear here Jws are adding nothing to the bible that isn't already there by adding Jehovah to the greek scriptures lol if we are condemned for that then Christendom is equally condemned for putting Lord in place of YHWH in the hebrew scriptures. Both are the bible.
Well, if ABSOLUTE NONE of the existing copies of ancient text support your theory, and you're just making it up as you believe... then you are indeed changing the text. What you believe does not change fact. The fact is, there are thousands upon thousands of ancient text, none of which support your claims. In any court of law, you would be found guilty of tampering with the evidence. So, yes you did add. You assumed what should be there, and did not truthfully present what was factually found there.
Here's the biggy do you think God only acknowledges the greek scriptures as the bible now?
I do not believe there is a god, or that he 'inspired' any of this old dribble. But from what I have learned of the bible (having it shoved down my throat, as it were), the new covenant replaces the old. When you replace the tires on your car, do you keep your old tires in you garage to look back upon and reflect? Probably not. Out with the old, in with the new. Sheesh. I don't even believe the bible, but I know when to quit looking back at ideas long past and longing for them.
You see there is a hidden assumption in all this debate that YHWH in hebrew scriptures has been replaced and there is absolutely no scripture to back this assumption up other than reading it into the sccripture yet halleuyah is still used in the greek 4 times and that basically means praise Jehovah.
I'll leave that for the religiously inclinded people to debate. (It's hallelujah, btw.) It is all nonsense anyway. A child can see all the flaws and crap in this until their parent spanks them for being 'blasphemous'. Pfft. FRODO BAGGINS SAVES! (At least we KNOW how his name is pronounced.)
- Lime