newbie needs help

by highdose 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • highdose

    hi everyone

    this is a first timer posting. heres my story which im hoping you guys can help me with, even if its just support ( i could sure use some!)

    brought up in the truth, i spent 20+ years of my life having trauma after trauma in it. It got to the point a few months ago when due to the state i was in my Dr put me on seriously heavy duty anti depressants. Since taking them a werid thing has happened... i don't care any more about the truth. i havn't been to the meetings or prayed, ive even started questioning their beliefs!

    i've got out into the world and discovered that instead of being full of evil people, i've actauly found really nice freinds. I've even started dating/ flirting with guys and discovered that far from being the sex crazed wild men i was taught they were.Theyv'e actauly turned out to be really nice and far more respectfull to me than any brother ever has been.

    my problem is this: i don't know if what i'm going through right now is reality, or is it just the drugs talking? if i come off them will i want to go back to the JW's? right now i certainly don't! and i havn't yet crossed any line that might get me DF'd but i know i can't sit on the fence forever...

    does anybody here have any insights? help!

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    Hope you don't think me rude for asking, but are you for real? This story is basically my story to a tee, except i'm a guy & was in my teens when it all happened... either way i really urge you to look into everything non-religious, you'll find more answers there than in any religion. If you weren't baptised then you've nothing to worry about with regards to the 'troof', but if you were baptised, then i suggest you keep your head down for a while & don't rush into any disassociation action just yet.

  • highdose

    yeah i'm for real, wish i wasn't but i am!

    and yes i'm baptised... got peer pressured into it at a early age, if fact was barely into my teens

  • cameo-d

    highdose: "my problem is this: i don't know if what i'm going through right now is reality, or is it just the drugs talking? if i come off them will i want to go back to the JW's?"

    Enjoy your adventure. Explore. Learn new things. Meet new people. Should you ever start feeling that you want to know more spiritually or want to know if this religion you have been involved in is worth giving over your whole life and giving up the freedom you have found....then I suggest coming back here and reading this board to take a good hard look at the destructive force of this cult.

    Not till you're ready to deal with it, though.

    Enjoy your time a little right now and see what the world has to offer.

    Go Pandora's box.

    It may be a pleasant surprise.


  • snowbird

    What the above two posters said!

    Live! Learn! Explore! Enjoy!

    You've got your whole life ahead of you; do not become a slave to men again.


  • Heaven

    Welcome, highdose! The WTS is a high mind control cult. Any group that creates this much depression in a person cannot be good or of God. Their negative focus creates a lot of mentally ill people. I suggest you fade and start looking forward ... start planning your life. Be careful of the DF as this will cut you off from any family who are still 'in'. Perhaps some specialized counseling is needed for you. You'll need to start changing how your mind thinks. Negative thoughts are cemented more readily and deeply than positive thoughts. Time to switch your thinking patterns.

    What you focus on expands.... so start focusing on positive goals and go for them. If you are interested in reading there are many good books available. Steven Hassan is an exit-counselor and mind control expert ( and has a couple of books available that can help.

    My company has been an advocate of Stephen Covey's work, especially in "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People". I also love his book "First Things First". In my experience, most JWs don't live a balanced, positive life. They are trained to focus mainly on Spiritual (To Leave A Legacy) matters to the detriment of the other 3 areas of human need (To Live - Physical, To Love - Emotional, To Learn - Mental). And alot of the Spiritual focus is negative -- many have no assurance that they will be 'saved'. How can this be an organization of God and Christ?

    I found Ray Franz's book "Crisis Of Conscience" invaluable as it verified for me what I had suspected for years about the WTS.

    Life is a journey and you have a choice as to whether you are going to enjoy it or not. I suggest ... and I hope you choose the enjoyable route.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Welcome to the forum.

    While you are trying to come back to reality, the standard suggestion is to self-educate.
    Already mentioned, Steve Hassan's books can help you see the difference between "the truth" and the real truth.
    Also helpful to reveal truth is former Governing Body member, Ray Franz's book: CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE.

    You can find those on the internet or maybe at your library.

  • oompa

    Welcome highdose!.......i have been on many a powerful drug like yours too....mostly AFTER i woke up to the things i learned about our JW faith that had never been taught to me at the Kindom Hall. However....the questions i had before my meds...during my meds...and after my meds were still good quesitons to ask....and the answers were still the same.

    so take it slow and be very subjective, critical, like the Boreans!.......use the internet, your bible, and JW literature as tools to find REAL answers as to if JW's REALLY have the TRUTH about god and the bible........i concluded they do not, but also concluded nobody else does either.........good luck with your endeavor...this place probably saved my life and since you say you could use support...i PROMISE you will find it here.....we almost all understand, and i have made several really good friends here from my area..........oompa

  • highdose

    thanks everyone, your real sweeties:)

    so nice to have a responce from people that isn't " go to all the meetings and you will feel fine!"

    i have moved country recently, no one knows that i was a jw here. the other day i was walking along the street and this badly dressed misrable woman jumps out at me and starts waving the WT silently in my face! i yelled out "NO!" and almost ran the other way!haha

    btw none of my family are JW's they got pushed out sometime ago, it was only me clinging on

  • oompa

    Oh you lucky girl! not have family in and move so nobody know you are a dub.......what a fantasyland!!......just did you find this website and do you know of other JW's that have visited here?........oompa

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