newbie needs help

by highdose 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    my problem is this: i don't know if what i'm going through right now is reality, or is it just the drugs talking?

    Bad news Sweetheart.....

    .......It's not the drugs.

    I would love to give you a hug and welcome you to the real world, but a Cyber-hug is all I can do




  • highdose

    i found the website while internet surfing, kinda a flow invovling looking up JW's on wikipedia then ray franz then here

    you do know you people are meant to be the very essance of wickedness don't you? at last thats what they are always saying from the platform! but having read some threads i've found mostly you are only saying what i've heard a ton of jw's saying in private

    btw oompa, i've thrown out all my jw books except my bible. the garbage men tore open the bin bag when collecting it.. for weeks afterwards there was tracts fluttering down my street, sticking out of bushes etc!

  • The-Borg

    so nice to have a responce from people that isn't " go to all the meetings and you will feel fine!"

    Stick around there's a few lurking on here, despite what the mothership says. I'm sure they'll pop up and tell you it's all down to imperfect men and wait on Jehovah.

    I've been out for 2 years and trust me it's real, people are nice, just know your boundaries. Now go and enjoy yourself!!

  • Chalam

    Hello highdose and welcome aboard!

    My view is this, the problems you have had are not uncommon for those who have been JWs, stick around here and you will see. Also, the more you see here the less likely you will be to ever want to go back. Try to cut the medication down or out. It numbs the pain but I think you are discovering the root cause of it. Better to deal with the cause, not the effect.

    Jesus said this

    John 10:10 (New International Version)

    10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

    Obviously, the abundant life Jesus mentions hasn't panned out with the JWs. Mind you, no surprise to me, they are nothing to do with the real Jesus.

    All the best,


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    btw none of my family are JW's they got pushed out sometime ago, it was only me clinging on

    Oh my Goodness. I don't believe it.

    You are sooooo lucky.

    I send you a very big hug and wish that I had your chance for freedom.

    You have made my day.

    Thank you.

    You have a far better chance at a happy life than any of us 'born in's.

    Enjoy your life.

    We will help you get over the relatively small amount of damage the cult has done to you.

    Just ask. We want to help.




  • snowbird
    I've even started dating/ flirting with guys and discovered that far from being the sex crazed wild men i was taught they were.Theyv'e actauly turned out to be really nice and far more respectfull to me than any brother ever has been.




  • Chalam

    btw oompa, i've thrown out all my jw books except my bible. the garbage men tore open the bin bag when collecting it.. for weeks afterwards there was tracts fluttering down my street, sticking out of bushes etc!

    Good call :) The NWT "bible" should go too really. It is hard to read and the translation has been tampered with in many key places.

    Here's a decent one when you need it

    John 1

    All the best,


  • highdose

    i think your right chalam, i never found NWT easy, its very gruesome too. and i have to admit i never did understand much of what paul wrote. i noticed that the society only uses certain bits over and over again so i guessed they didn't understand too. either that or it was just me being stupid.

    ...i kept all my chick lit books tho;)

  • rebel8

    i don't know if what i'm going through right now is reality, or is it just the drugs talking?

    You are asking if your antidepressants have caused you to lose touch with reality.

    First, delusions and hallucinations are rarely caused by antidepressants.

    Second, what you describe is not characteristic of delusions and hallucinations, or any other psychological break with reality.

    So then you may be thinking, ok, but are the antidepressants causing me to change my opinions about religion?

    The answer is no, antidepressants do not have the power to change such opinions.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I was concerned about you at first when I read the opening comment. But I know now there is no way you will go back.
    Nobody else in, you enjoy being out. You are done. Enjoy your life.

    Rebel8 is right. Imagine that. Antidepressants make you question the WTS. So being a JW is for the depressed.
    Tell us something we don't know.

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