I agree with Big Tex, the 2 witness rule is EVIL
two witness ruling ?
by KAYTEE 154 Replies latest jw friends
Spike Tassel
sir82, I am juggling through 9 Topics at the moment, which generally means about an hour between 1 set of my replies on this Topic and the next set.
1) What if Brother Lecher does not confess - will he be disfellowshipped?
"if Brother Lecher does not confess" is present tense, "will he be disfellowshipped?" is future tense. It is a matter of time, method, circumstance, and scrutiny, I suggest. He may not get disfellowshipped; he may rather disassociate, or his baptism may be ruled invalid, he may fade, he may be marked as bad association, etc. Jehovah knows the hearts of all involved. If he dies the "second death" as a result, the matter is all the more tragic.
2) Your earlier reply implied that a 12 year old rape victim might be disfellowshipped - true?
The possibility of a 12-year-old rape victim getting disfellowshipped presumes a valid baptism. The substantiation of other events in the case may warrant such a reproof as disfellowshipment, such as a non-cooperative attitude, etc. Life is not so simple that a disfellowshipping couldn't happen to a 12-year-old baptised rape victim, I suggest.
What would be a valid reason for a 12 year old baptised girl who has been raped to be disfellowshipped?
Spike Tassel
The tone of Big Tex is that of a bully.
You don't give coherent answers Spike
Oh and Big Tex isn't a bully, he just blunt and you're being whiny
Spike Tassel
the chattering continues …
and your deflection...you really don't have an answer for Big Tex, do ya Spike? Nothing coherent anyway, only whining and avoidance.
Big Tex
The tone of Big Tex is that of a bully
Ah. So you cannot answer even one of my questions from the Bible. Disappointing, but not surprising.
Like the 9 elders, the 3 circuit overseers and the one district overseer I similarly challenged in 1988, 1989 and 1990, you are also impotent. The silence speaks so loudly as to the Biblical principles upon which this teaching is NOT based that I cannot hear your jibes.
This is a rule that was pulled out of thin air, to quiet the Great Unwashed so they would continue selling their magazines and attending the 5 mandatory weekly sales meetings. Once again, and again and again I will say this rule is evil. This board is read every day by thousands of people. Threads like this do make a difference from lurkers. I've heard from them over the years. And when they see people like you who cannot defend the indefensible, it does indeed do more than all those mind-numbing sales meetings at Kingdom Halls.
I have personal knowledge of a 3 year old boy whose grandfather sodomized whilst his mother stood in the doorway watching. The boy begged and pleaded for his mother's help. She turned and walked away. That boy was me, 45 years ago. You see him in my avatar.
You, and Jehovah's Witnesses, turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to children like that. You are too busy playing rope-a-dope word games to avoid looking the truth, the real truth, which is screaming from millions of children every day.
I don't know who is worse -- the rapist, or the one who protects the rapist.
I'll let god decide.
mrsjones5: "What would be a valid reason for a 12 year old baptised girl who has been raped to be disfellowshipped?"
Not that it's valid but she would get disfellowshipped for not screaming while being victimized. This is based on Deuteronomy 22:23,24 although the WBTS has flip flopped on this one.
Brother Lecher's baptism would be ruled invalid????
Where did you get this from????