two witness ruling ?

by KAYTEE 154 Replies latest jw friends

  • mraimondi

    look hubby, look at this guy arguing with me on the internet (drooool) isnt he stooopid? hahahahhaha yeah yeah i knwo right? lol haha

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    May our love widen out to include our enemies, for they are victims of Satan and his world of ploys also. Otherwise, they wouldn't have preyed on us. Forgiveness is hardest when one has lost trust, but it is still essential that we each learn to apply it sincerely to all. May Jehovah help us all to mature in these matters. May peace, joy, and love, and their six friends be with each of us in our struggles, so that we may all be as one.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    May our love widen out to include our enemies, for they are victims of Satan and his world of ploys also. Otherwise, they wouldn't have preyed on us. Forgiveness is hardest when one has lost trust, but it is still essential that we each learn to apply it sincerely to all. May Jehovah help us all to mature in these matters.

    Good sentiments, in a passive aggressive way.

    Please may you explain to me how I am "a victim of Satan"? Please also explain to me, for I clearly lack the intelligence and spiritual insight to discern, how I am a "ploy" of the world? In re-reading my posts to you in this thread, I have very clearly asked questions of you, asking you to support your accusation that I am a liar, from the Bible. Are you now asserting that anyone in search of the truth, from Jehovah's holy word, is somehow "a victim of Satan and his world of ploys also"? Since I am outside of Jehovah, please explain to me, with scriptural backup, why I am a "victim of Satan and his world of ploys also", for merely asking you to provide Biblical support for your claim that a child who has been brutally raped, must provide not one, but two eyewitnesses to this assault.

    Clearly I am a bear of very little brain for lacking understanding of your obvious loving posts on this thread. However may I point out that you still have not made any attempt whatsoever at answering even one of my questions to you. Please help me understand how your ignoring several earnest, heartfelt questions is a sign that I am "a victim of Satan". In your response, please use scriptures as the support for your positions as we certainly do not want to run ahead of Jehovah, do we?

    May I also ask you to explain how "Forgiveness is hardest when one has lost trust". What is the basis for this statement? Are you referring to victms of sexual abuse? Or are you making an oblique reference to those who have been treated so badly by a group of people who bleat on and on that they, and they alone, are Jehovah God's chosen people? Can you imagine how painful it is to experience harsh, cruel treatment by an organization you have been taught endlessly is the only way today that Jehovah will interact with humans?

    Finally please explain to me your statement that we need to mature in "these matters". I am especially curious as you have admitted this is a subject about which you know little to nothing about. Void Eater, Kaytee, myself and countless lurkers reading this thread have been striuggling with "these matters" most of our lives. Please help me understand where you are coming from regarding the need to "mature in these matters". Please also help me understand how this relates to the two eyewitness rule regarding child abuse claims amongst Jehovah's Witnesses?

    May peace, joy, and love, and their six friends be with each of us in our struggles, so that we may all be as one.

    Now we both know that's a big lie. You strike me as the type who, not only feels the need to make a drive-by-shooting type of comment, thereby relieving you of the responsibility of demonstrating depth on the subject in question, but you also seem to the be the type who must have the last word. I've given you several opportunities to bow out, and yet you seem to embrace the idea of foolishness.

    Again you try to spin your posts on this thread that somehow you are the loving, forgiving christian, struggling to deal with evil, wicked apostates.

    I make no pretense about my standing before god. Frankly, I hope atheists are right as my experiences with this god is a feeling of coldness. Perhaps it comes from the time when I was 3 and I prayed to god to make my daddy stop hurting me. When god didn't answer that prayer, I experienced a side of god that most do not -- a cold, uncaring god. That is very, very difficult to deal with.

    In all sincerity, the one thing I would, ideally, want you to take away from this thread is that there are thousands and thousands of men, women and children who have been sexually abused in this organization. And as hideous as that experience is, they were abused again by Jehovah's Witnesses, needlessly over an asinine rule that serves only to quiet the Great Unwashed but does nothing to help the innocent or defenseless.

    If you want to continue playing these little games of yours, knock yourself out. Meanwhile I, and other more intelligent and committed people, will continue to fight against this rule and against people who support it.

    BTW anytime you want to show me Biblical support of this rule, l would be delighted to read your thoughts.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Big Text has his mind made up, foot in the door, and a big sermon. Times have changed in the org. The elders don't put up with that kind of attitude in my Hall, so I'm outta here. I take my peace back to myself since it's not wanted here on this Topic, apparently. I have at least the "two witnesses" I need to make my ruling, after all.

  • mrsjones5

    Waa waa waa Spike.

    Don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya. lol

    Did I get the last post?


    P.S. I'm not holding my breathe lol

  • orbison11

    spike, spike, buddy

    you have been here a month and have already racked up 455 posts,,,put your seat belt on,

    we have all the time in the world


  • beksbks

    Orb! I was gonna mention that.

  • avishai
  • mrsjones5

    Spike is shooting blanks. All those pretty and overextended words he uses can't disguise that.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    He won't avishai. It's much easier to pretend everything has "changed", which is interesting since this person started this thread with the attitude that there was nothing wrong at all with this rule. Now he/she pronounces change has happened.

    If there was no problem, why change? Trying to converse with this person does remind me of the people in the White Rock congregation in Dallas, Texas in the late 80's.

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