How many lives have been RUINED by the Organization? Experiences?

by BonaFide 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gayle

    My answer: like the question: how many dead people are there in the graveyard - ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!!

    The ones who don't think their lives are ruined are self-righteous, the most destructive aspect of all.

  • boyzone

    The sense of failure the Organization gave me was so acute that I nearly took my own life. The depression was so deep that to not feel the guilt of seeing my sons and husband dying at armageddon after they left was very attractive. So I took as many paracetamol tablets as I can find. Lucky I'm still here to write this.

    ruined my life? No, not ruined, not totally. Just damaged. Damage thats going to take a long time to repair, but it'll mend slowly.

  • JustHuman14

    I would say ruined completely by that f*cking cult.

    I was encouraged to leave school and become pioneer since the end it was so close then(1984)....

    I quit music since it was not appropriate for a Christian to seek glory in this world(and I was a pretty good singer and guitarist)

    Me and some other "brothers"we started our own job(something to do with media entertainment)the "elders"came and said QUIT what you are doing. If those a**holes didn't mess in our life I wouldn't facing severe finnancial problems.

    I spend my best years of my life as pioneer, preaching a false gospel(generation that will not pass) and actually didn't planned for my future

    I was disfellowshiped few years ago due to "apostasy", my family is broken, no one wishes to see me, and I'm on my way for divorce, plus I have to find a way to save my children from WT's poisson.....

    So do you think my life is ruined or not???

  • Edington

    I was raised in the WT from the age of 7, I am now in my mid 50's

    I am also a celibate gay man.

    Jehovah has NEVER helped me eradicate this..........none of his 'shepherds' had the answers. They just told me to 'do more bible study, more field service, more meetings, more talks, just throw yourself into the truth & lean on Jehovah'

    Most of them just cannot comprehend how man could find complete happiness in the arms of another man.

    So it was always a lack of something on My part that prevented Jehovah's spirit helping me be the way the WT said I should be.

    One well meaning elder thought if I just put my 'toes in the water as Moses had to at the Red Sea' & allowed myself to become aquainted with a female I would find Jehovah's blessing on the relationship.

    I entered into one of the most disastrous episodes of my life.

    And guess what, big ole Jah still wasn't there to help!!!


  • MidwichCuckoo

    Just wanted to say 'welcome Edington'

  • wannaexit

    I wouldn't say that my life is completely ruined. I wont allow watchtower to run the remaining years of my life. But, I have many regrets. Watchtower almost left me childless and uneducated. I look back at the my life and feel that I wasted the best part of my years banging on doors. (20 years of regular pioneering). Like many here, I can't get those years back. I am very angry that a man made organization led me like a puppet for most of my life. don't put your monkey rench in peoples feelings and experiences.

    Bonafide, I follow your threads carefully, although I don't always post. Thanks for all your imput here.

    And REENIA, please dont put your monkey rench in people's feelings and experiences. YOu really get on my nerves

  • verystupid77

    I do not know if I can say my life was ruined by the cult but it has been hell in so many ways. I truly can say that I do not feel I have ever been happy in my life. I have had major depression most of my life in this happy religion. Somehow that does not make sense. Nonthing is ever enough or good enough or you need to pray more study more go out in service more, more more more never enough. That is a cult per and simple. There have been many, many times in my life where I just wish I could take something to sleep for ever and never wake up.

    I think how happy the people I see outside of this religon are and then I look inside at all the depressioned ones on meds and just cannot help but see that this is all so wrong. Why cannot everyone just wakeup.

    Just look at the pedophiles in this religon. They are hidden they clearly are hidden. The WT hates the RCC but they are in no place to throw stones. I sometimes feel so traped, I just hate what this religon cult has done to ruin peoples lives.

  • carla

    I should think nearly everyone ever associated in any way with the wt has had their life ruined in some fashion. Nevermind Rennia, she lacks normal empathy and like many who claim to be jw's they tend to have a lower emotional IQ than the rest of society. The black and white thinking eases their own consciences. This is a jw discussion board and of course people should tell their stories for their own cathartic reasons as well as to to tell the public the damaging effects the jw's would have on ones life should they join the cult.

    Thinking of the children raised in the org and those who do not have the luxury of stardom and were not allowed to develop their own gifts be it in art, music, science, even athletics. The wt may very well have squashed the next Einstien, Michelangelo, Hawkins, etc...... They may have had a child who could have gone on and found the proverbial cure for cancer but the world will never know because they were not allowed to develop their God given skills due to the modern day pharisees in NY.

    Marriages and other relationships are most certainly affected! How can anyone within the jw's ever be truly honest with another jw? even a spouse? when if one voiced doubts or even wanted to research the Bible further they would be hauled into the elders for possible apostacy because the spouse or other family member turned them in just like in war time Nazi Germany. As for ubm's & jw's, the destruction of the relationship has been documented here and elsewhere numerous times. The wt literally takes God out of the marriage because they do not allow the jw to even discuss with the so called 'non believer' anything about God or the Bible. And Reniaa, do not say this is not true because I live it and many others here have said the same thing.

    Think of all the elderly on their death bed who are scared and shocked because they were promised they would never die? I can't think of a more wretched way for an old person to go (not including murder, fire, etc.. mentally speaking). In the normal world when an old person is dying they usually spend their last (if health allows) days with family often clearing up any old hurts, reminiscing, voicing love and giving last words of comfort to both the dying and those left behind. You may go to one of those funerals and hear things like, 'it was a good death surrounded by loved ones' and jw's do not understand things like that. Nor can they understand that some do not fear death but accept it and believe their soul moves on, they can only have complete disdain and don't mind showing it when they see that belief. They expect tolerance for their jw beliefs but have no tolerance for others beliefs.

    Finances! The ban on college or discouraging it has without a doubt affected many jw's & ex jw's! One may be able to go to school as an older adult but one can never make up those years of saving at a higher income rate.

    The spiritual abuse is for another thread I guess, but that is where some of the most heinous damage can be done by the wt. Ever see a truly joyful jw?

    Without a doubt every single person who has had any association with the jw's have had their life impacted negatively by the wt.

  • blondie

    I grew up with a non-jw pedophile father and an alcoholic jw mother (who allowed him to molest all his children). Some might say that my life is ruined but not me. Why continue to give them that kind of power over my life. I am happily married, finished my education, have work that is challenging and enjoyable and volunteer work that really helps people. So where does the WTS fit into all this, not at all any more, I won't let it.


  • reniaa

    bonafide is firmly placing the blame for our actions and choices at the feet of the wt, but were is anyone acknowledging that they themselves have made the choice to become a witness to get baptised?

    If you look though the yellow pages and find a job you then apply getting a full info on what is involved and you take the offered job, if it doesn't work out wasn't the choice yours in the first place?

    It's easy to blame others the hard thing is accepting you yourself made the choice and so need to take some responsibility if that life didn't suit you and you no longer agree with the doctrine.


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