Reniaa, are you serious ?? LMAO
From my own experience, I was never told about the disfellowshipping clause upfront. The only time in the beginning
it was even remotely touched upon was one time, when I was paraded around at at meeting.
Being a "New" study, that was actually willing to come to a meeting, I was introduced to most, I noticed a Lady sitting
alone at the back of the hall and I asked "Is she Ok ?". The response I got was, "Oh, she's having problems, its best
if we don't bother her."
It wasn't until months later, after the fact, that I leaned the real reason for her sitting alone.
Comments that we know what we're getting into from the get go... make me sick, so many things are glossed over, or
as I was told... "We'll learn more about that later". Well guess what, later never came until it was too late.
I agree with your opening post, many have been hurt in so many ways. Personally... I was beaten down by the "Do More,
Do More" mentality of it all.