How many lives have been RUINED by the Organization? Experiences?

by BonaFide 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Nothing is hidden reniaa....but converts are not told of dfing or such other cultlike tactics until they are caught...hook, line and sinker

    I was baptized in 1973. I wasn't aware of the shunning aspect of disfellowshipping until I saw it happen in the congregation I was in years later. If memory serves, I do not believe shunning or even disfellowshipping is part of the 80 baptism questions.

    Of course I also wasn't aware until I saw it that elders' kids, or children with rich parents, rarely face discipinary action.

  • MidwichCuckoo
    maybe lol, I was trying to show we do not go into this religion with our eyes closed we go in with full knowledge

    You are very, VERY wrong. I'm not even going to bother expanding on that.

    what if s leave the witnesses and immediatelygoes on to do all the things the bible condemns doesn't that show they have lost a faith in god more than the Jws?

    I have better morals/standards than a lot of JWs I know/have known - including yourself.

    When armageddon arrives what if we get a few minutes of realisation before it strikes, what if the fire is reigning from heaven and destroying all including the people around us that have done all the things Gods condemns like adultery, fornication and have rejected the bible, Can they cry foul when the God has given them and the world clear warning?

    See above. Leaving a corrupt 'religion' does not equate with leaving God or disregarding Bible principles.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Born in,

    Reniaa is my father.....

    ....need I say more????

  • purplesofa

    As far as the things clearly written in our publications, we all know that what is written and what indeed is real can be two very different things.

    And the only way you clearly know that~~ is if you have been a JW that has lived and followed the counsel and advice, discipline that the GB has told us through publications and listening and applying what is said from the platform.

    Even diehard baptised, loyal witnesses will not come to the defense of EVERYTHING the WT does like reniaa.

    They question, ponder, contemplete and doubt but do not leave.

    My heart goes out to teenagers in the organization. All teens outside the Kingdom Hall are worldly and they are not allowed to associate with them. The few teens that are in the congo, are looking over their shoulders to make sure the other teens are good association or so scared to associate with others because there is so much backstabbing going on. It's a lonely, tortured place for many teenagers. Not all, but many.

    reniaa, I used to be just frustrated with you but I had respect for you is waning. Not because you defend the WT, but because you defend it so distortedly.


  • Edington


    I had NO choice at the age of 7 whether I wanted to be a JW when my parents became JW's.

    Under peer pressure & being an idealistic young person I was baptised at 15.

    I now know I was not old enough to make that decision.

    I have no choice over being gay, however I do, no matter how difficult, have a choice whether to resist those feelings or not.

    By the way renniaa I only 'know' you from the comments you make here & I must say you annoy me intensely with your 'super fine' out pourings.


  • isaacaustin


    Reniaas projection of undesireable traits and jugmentalism is simpyl her own inadequacy of those shortcomings present within herself. This is common among those who leave the org and still believe in it, or in her case a wannabe who never made it.

  • CrimsonBleu

    Reniaa, that is such a lame example....if someone applies for a job, and takes it, works it, and and does a great service to the company, they can leave that job, often getting a nice referrence for the NEXT job. That company does not 'shun' them, tell them that if they try to leave or are fired, that they can no longer associate with current employees.

    I was baptized at 18, waaaaay to you to know better...had followed all instruction like the nice little sheep I was, believing it was all for God and I was doing the right thing.

    Even at that young age, I knew something was amiss after just a few years, and just stopped going to meetings. Elders and sisters came to visit and I could never put a finger on why I resented their teachings. All I knew is I wanted Jesus, only Jesus, He was the Way to God and He was always available to me. He never threatened me, and he never punished me. I felt peace with Him and still do.

    My point is many people get involved believing WTS IS the Way to God, and find out that it is the opposite. It is a simple principal of relativity: You can not know a thing without knowing it's opposite.

  • Gayle

    "Scars mark a memory"

    The wounds have healed for many of us, we have moved on, but 'scars' mark a memory. A memory that I think should not be forgotten totally. As the WTBS still inflicts and "plows" injury across the world.

  • WTWizard

    "If you look though the yellow pages and find a job you then apply getting a full info on what is involved and you take the offered job, if it doesn't work out wasn't the choice yours in the first place?"

    Now, suppose you find that you have been misled by the job application. You get the job, only to find out that you are responsible for things not on that description found on the application. You find yourself working hours beyond what you have agreed to, and it is causing hardship. They now threaten that, if you do anything to expose them or express dissatisfaction for the fact that your job responsibilities are way beyond what you originally agreed to (and very distasteful) or there are always stupid rules being added, they will not only fire you but make it nearly impossible for you to ever get another job. Then, you find out that you are going to have a miserable time getting paid. Quitting is not an option because they will make it impossible to make a living if you do that.

    The witlesses do not offer full information on what you are getting involved with upon "application". You think all you need to do is quit a few bad habits (often you have been meaning to anyways), go to a few meetings, perhaps a little evangelizing, and you will get into that paradise. Once you get in, however, the rules close in on you. You find yourself working more hours than you agreed to (and they hound you for more), and you always get pushed to do even more. They have so many stupid rules that were not apparent when you "applied" for the "job", and they are coming out with ever more (and ever worse) ones every time a new washtowel or Kingdumb Misery comes out or the hounder-hounder shows up.

    Getting paid is part of any job. But, when have the witlesses got paid? Originally, the religion was set up in 1872 with the end coming in 1874. Since then, they have tried pushing back payday repeatedly. How would you feel if you didn't know if you were going to get paid at work, because every time payday came, it got pushed back? And if you even start looking for another job, you would be blackballed? This is the manner in which the religion ruins lives--people are expected to sell out, give up normal things, and work hard for that payday (that then gets pushed back). As for anyone waiting for the original end, it is now 135 years of late time and counting.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    They didn't RUIN my life.

    My childhood was a %uc#up , and that's putting it mildly, but it hasn't ruined my life.

    There are plenty of other cults that could have done just as much damage to me.

    Don't focus on the WT to the exclusion of other cults that are just as damaging.

    They are ALL enemies of our freedom.

    They all want your children.

    Reniaa JW is no worse than Reniaa Mormon or Reniaa Children of God or Reniaa Scientologist.

    The WT is just another cult. No better and no worse than any other cult.

    I have to keep reminding myself that the only thing 'special' about them is that it just happens to be the cult that I had the misfortune to be born into.

    Do not make the mistake of only innoculating your children for the WT virus. The Moonies want your children too......

    ......and they are very.....


    good at what they do.

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