Behtel has workers who are paid basically nothing! A small "re-inbursment" for expenses. Prison is the same...making license Plates for $2 dollars an hour....Mc Donalds resturants are not far behind. Nike and other sports companies use China as slave labor. My point is how Corparations like Bethel abuse people to make pension money! It's a shame the Bethelites say "thank you" for the priveledge of being used.
Bethel and Prisons using slave labor for profit!
by Witness 007 32 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Ray Franz touched on this in his book COC. I was at Bethel myself and I felt so privileged to be there now looking back it was so stupid. The more I know the more amazed I am at how I could not see it for what it is.
I heard myself that when they lifted the 4 year requirement at Bethel they all cheered and said yeah we are finally out of prison it went right along with Ray's book.
You went into bethel knowing what it entailed in salary terms so crying foul after tha fact is silly.
10 out of 10 points for deliberate emotional manipulation with comparing carefully chosen groups by yourself.
Hello 77 (I can't call you 'verystupid', lol) - I'm just re-reading CoC, and Ray Franz remarks on how 'bethelites' respond to how long they've served at bethel -
I had never heard one of these young men respond by saying in round figures, 'about a year' or 'about two years', but, 'one and seven',
'two and five', 'three and one' and so forth always giving the year or years and the exact number of months. I could not help but think of the way
men serving a prison sentence often follow a similar practice of marking off time.
reniaa - do you sit at your keyboard all day waiting to post ill-informed and very bitter crap? I can't comment (on bethel) as I have never been, but many here have, and I very much doubt you are one of them. I know a lot of (current) JWs who would be ashamed to call you 'sister'.
Anybody remember the campaings against certain companies that reportedly used sweat shops here and in other countries? Maybe it's a semantics thing, perhaps we should refer to Bethel as the sweat shop it is? People put in years of hard work for nothing and are then tossed to the curb as soon as they may need some medical care, unless they are the gb of course.
Let me correct Reniaa's post. When Ray Franz observed Bethelites, they were utter slaves. The Society painted a deceptive picture of Bethel life and then brothers got stuck there because of potential DRAFT STATUS PROBLEMS!
It was slavery, pure and simple. I know because I was there.
Yes, one day they "freed the slaves" by ending the 4 year arrangement amidst wild clapping!
Bethel life improved a great deal after that. They are not slaves but the Watchtower's treatment of older Bethelites is disgusting and I hope will earn them lower contributions in the future.
I think for the first time, I can relate to reniaa's a degree...but not to belittle the bad experiences of those who actually served at Bethel.
Prisoners work for next to nothing as punishment. Ask them if they would have chosen to do that, they would say 'no'.
Bethelites chose to go to Bethel. They weren't sent there as punishment. It was deemed a privilege and one went willingly.
I don't think you can reasonably compare a prisoner's situation and payscale to that of a Bethelite.
At the same however, people who chose to go to Bethel were decieved. Many got there and realized that Bethel was more of a slave camp than a spiritual haven. I think Bethelites can be better compared to modern day slave laborers...people who answer an ad to take a high reward job in a foreign market only to become enslaved against their will upon their arrival.
Witness 007
I remember some Bethel friends scrounging pennies from "pay day" so they could go to the Cinema....wearing the same clothes for 15 years....bit sad. They are prisoners without realizing it.
keyser soze
I have to agree with reniaa as well. The people at Bethel are volunteers. To compare them, or people who work at McDonalds, with children being forced into labor in sweat shops is a bit silly.
Witness 007
Aren't "good and faithful" Witness kids expected to Pioneer or go to other options, ask the brothers who commited suicide at Bethel why they went. they are pushed but not point was corparations making profit by abusing a young work force.