His kid friends {now adults} who defended him include Culkin from "Home Alone"...the kid from "Webster"...Godfather to his kids, the kid from the movie "Oliver." His own kids, so.....can Pedophiles switch it on and off....out of thousand's of kids he met why didn't he molest more including his own kids.
Jackson never molested his kids or the kid from "Home alone" and "Webster" so not a pedophile!
by Witness 007 42 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I personally never believed he was a child molester.
Naive and misguided? Yes.
Ashamed of his heritage? Ditto
Afflicted with pedophilia? NO!!!
He didn't molest those children. He made love to them.
If you were accused with a heinous crime would you pay off your accusers or would you go to great lengths to defend your character and reputation?
Was the Watchtower Society guilty of allowing a pedophile's paradise? They proclaimed their innocence. It matters not that they paid off their accusers...does it?
you will never know "witness 007", just because you are a fan does`nt mean he could`nt be a pedophile. just enjoy his music and be open minded on his guilt or innocence. pointless get on with your life.
We'll never know for sure. Personally I doubt he was (and I was never a 'fan'), but I'll tell you this much, his behaviour(s) did not help him much.
Maybe to make up for laughing at some Michael Jackson jokes, I want to give a
little more serious response to this.
He seems like a nice bright person generally, but missing a few crucial brain
cells regarding a few things--adult responsibility things. The trend I see
isn't a normal concern for an adult to have a childlike side but, as a psycho-
logist once said, to regress to the lifestyle of a ten year old. I'd add it was
notably one who wanted to run out and play away from any adults.
-If you like kids, there are all kinds of ways you can do that without acting
like a ten year old who wants kids to sleep over without parental supervision.
That's chancy enough for an adult. But if a parent starts complaining about
anything improper and all he has are lies, you don't give him a nickel--he
should owe you money. You don't give him 22 million to "avoid a media circus."
Common sense dictates that if the adult have a cheap way to defend their inno-
cence, like simply pointing out that the kid was mistaken about the adult being
circumcised, it would be dumb to give the parent a huge payment because it would
encourage suspicion of the possibility of some kind of guilt. $22 million could
have been a lot to give to one of his charities instead, too.
But he played it like a rich ten year old who'd rather pay the parent to go
away as if nobody could think of the ten year old as an adult. But he was one
and they knew it, and his bad judgment created a media circus of gossip that's
still dogging him after death. What the jokes have going for them is he was
either guilty or dumb, at least about that.
(I'm not sure of his reasons, but along the same lines of him wanting a
relationship with kids without other adults around, I likewise wonder about him
having his last kid by arranging for a woman to be paid off to conceive it then
disappear. It's pretty basic for a heterosexual adult to want to give a kid a
mommy and daddy to love--lawyers even find ways for separated parents to do
that. But it looks like it not only wasn't important to him to find a woman
who'd help him provide love for the little kid as much as the opposite concerned
him--to go out of his way to avoid having a responsible adult around...again.
Maybe he could have used more of someone like that himself.)
- He illegally used under the counter pharmaceuticals, shirking the supervi-
sion and advice of expert adults, till he died like Elvis. Again, he wasn't
stupid, but who was the adult at the helm in that regard--anybody?
- This is relatively superficial, but he didn't know where to draw the
line at when discreet plastic surgery starts to look obvious--when it stops
going toward looking like Peter Pan and starts making you look like the evil
marionette man from a Batman movie--when it stops causing people to admire your
looks and starts looking like something people would beg you not to do to them.
Stuff started appearing in his chin, his cheeks, the end of his nose fell off,
part of an ear disappeared and showed up where the nose was.... He acted like a
kid getting excited over the big promises of health and looks in the cheesier
cartoon magazine ads without a parent around to tell him not to believe them.
This segues predictably into:
- He spent a lifetime encouraging people to give money to the JWs leaders for their
literature. Extraordinary claims of exclusiveness about common subject matter
should prompt a curious adult to research such claims and hear both sides before
rendering judgment. They may have belief in the possible without entering into
harm from something known to be wrong. The JWs leaders' most famous follower is
unfortunately infamous for acting allergic to adult judgment.
Now I better leave ten message boards alone for making a post so long. -
Big Tex
Jackson never molested his kids or the kid from "Home alone" and "Webster" so not a pedophile!
Oh well, thank god you solved that issue. The proof you give is overwhelming.
I take it then that you have no problem with a 45 year old man sleeping with 10-13 year old boys on a regular basis?
Lemme see. Statistically, they say that for every victim that comes forward and turns in a pedophile, there are 75-100 other victims that don't come forward. I know in my bro's case, this monster listed over 50 that didn't come forward in his diary. Lets see if you can tell me why you think this is, then we'll discuss your question, OK?
Typically, a serial pedophile would molest over 100 kids before they finally get caught.
So gathering that with thousands of kids visiting Neverland yearly, that to me makes me think he didn't do it. Especially with child stars that defended him.
I just think people are jealous of MJ on account on the fact that he is rich and famous. So they see him as their own personal ATM machine (lawsuits and such).