Jackson never molested his kids or the kid from "Home alone" and "Webster" so not a pedophile!

by Witness 007 42 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • brinjen

    That's just it. Michael Jackson must be guilty because of the payouts but at the same time theres OJ's aquittal. So by that logic it wouldn't really have mattered if MJ had fought the allegations in court, because OJ got let off...

    What about the child psychologist who was asked by the prosecutors in the 05 case to interview the second victim and didn't believe the child has been molested at all? Not to mention all the other kids who said MJ never touched them.

  • avishai

    Brinjen, see mkrs post above yours.

  • FlyingHighNow
    He was just not developed mentally and seemed not to understand why people were appalled at his sleepovers. I do not think that the Santa Barbara or LA county officials would have allowed him to keep his own kids if they were sincerley convinced that he was sexually abusing others.

    When you get the hell beat out of you, constantly, as a child...

    When a parent constantly belittles you...

    A big part of you isn't going to grow up. In many ways you stay an innocent.

    I agree about Michael being allowed to have custody of his children. The DA in the second case was said to have had a very strong personal vindetta against Michael, yet Mike kept his kids.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Yeah he just got them drunk and jacked off with them. That part of the story is UNCONTESTED and guess what that is ABUSE. He got off because he was rich as hell that is the only reason.

    Please produce court transcripts.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Have a read of this to get some idea of what Michael thought was the 'normal' part of his childhood.


    It is linked to from http://blog.beliefnet.com/stevenwaldman/2009/06/my-brief-surreal-meeting-with.html, where the claim is made that he wrote this for them.



  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    I remember having heard him plead to journalists that he wasn't "a criminal" and, from the way he did it yes, I believed him. When you add up what that chap has had to go through, vitiligo, lupus, scalp pain, the fact he resented people believing he was denying his black nature and what else, you just want to tell him RIP, MJ, it's all over and people won't stop soon dancing on Billie Jean and Beat it.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I really don't know if MJ did molest those boys or not. When the story first came out in the 90's, I believed it. MJ was just weird enough and came from a seriously dysfunctional family to make the possibility plausible. The stories have now become so muddied I honestly cannot say for certain what is or isn't accurate.

    At the very least, a grown man sleeping in the same bed with pre-teen boys crosses boundaries. I think it says as much about those boys' parents as it does MJ though.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Tex, you and I both grew up in dysfunctional families. I am confident you didn't become a molester and I know I didn't either. Bad idea to have kids sleep in your bed if you are wealthy. Bad idea. In some cultures, whole families sleep in the same bed. The singer Kenny Loggins had a huge bed and the entire family slept in it. Sleeping in the bed together doesn't mean there is anything sexual going on between adults and children. I remember spending the night with my friends Jane and Judy and when he father was offshore, we always slept in their mother's king sized bed. Right up until I moved away, at eleven years old. No one ever thought it was a weird thing.

  • startingover

    I got this from a close friend of mine who had first hand experience with MJ. MJ was a JW in our KH in Woodland Hills for a time. not the same congregation, but he was around us every now and then. When I was 16, I rode, in a motor home, with mutual family friends to Dodger Stadium for a convention one summer. They had a 16 year old son, and also an 8 or 9 year old. MJ went with us, as he had befriended the family's younger boy. We 3 teens were totally star struck, but it was incredible watching MJ regress into an 8 year old around that little boy! They played cards, rock/paper/scissors and colored together. He was too shy to even talk to us teens, but totally comfortable and childlike with the boy. Looking back to that unbelievable transformation from adult to little boy, I'm 100% convinced he was never guilty of all those nasty charges brought against him. no doubt in my mind he was innocent. He was just very, very damaged emotionally and mentally - trying to make up for the childhood he never had, along with abuse from his sicko dad.

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    Thanks, startingover, for this-almost-first hand evidence, that tallies with the inner impression I had watching him on the TV, and this shyness in socialising is coherent with what he repeatedly confessed. Let's hope justice will be rendered to his memory.

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