Welcome, Perry, to the Board. Good God...4th generation? Yikes. Good post. Hope to hear more from you.
"Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love".... Aristotle. You can love and obey Christ without intervention from an organization.
by Perry 53 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome, Perry, to the Board. Good God...4th generation? Yikes. Good post. Hope to hear more from you.
"Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love".... Aristotle. You can love and obey Christ without intervention from an organization.
((((((((((( Perry ))))))))))
...and welcome to the board. Your insights and perceptions are a very welcome addition here. YOU are welcome here.
It made me understand that I do have a choice in how I view the world and reality in general instead of just having on handed to me as the "truth".
Your second post, distilled to a nutshell. Beautiful, Perry. You have described my religion.
I'm a first year college student and the Western Humanities class I just finished superficially exposed me to the roots of humanism in the Greco-Roman Age. Some of it I understand and agree with, other parts of it is foolishness.
The important thing that I take from such philosophical and religious studies is that they are arrived at by people. God ain't talking to nobody down here. At least he ain't talking to me. So, I figger my 'truth' is as valid for me as someone else's 'truth.' Couple that with my comfort in saying "I don't know but I'll see if I can find out" and I'm headed in the right direction, as far as I'm concerned.
The ultimate one-size-fits-all brand of truth does not exist. It's a figment of the religionist's Sunday sermon.
>>The ultimate one-size-fits-all brand of truth does not exist. It's a figment of the religionist's Sunday sermon.
Moral relativism is probably the most easily refutable topic of discussion on this board. Care to discuss?
Moral relativism is probably the most easily refutable topic of discussion on this board.
You think? I heartily disagree.
Care to discuss?
Sure, but not here. I'm waiting on Perry's return. He must have a real life or somethin'. He has HIS nerve!!
Thank you again for an excellent post, Perry. The textbook you mention sounds quite interesting and well worth a look.
My "religious" view pretty much coincides with your Biblical perspective. This is one of the reasons that I have never been able to join any other church since leaving the JWs. The concept of "we're right, you're wrong" has been a total turnoff.
I've felt for some time that a church should simply be a group of people gathering together for spiritual support....not for creating an exclusive God club.
I'll be interested in hearing more of your ideas.
Teejay, if you ever want to talk about it, drop me a line.
Welcome aboard Perry, enjoy it! Look forward to hearing more from you!
My computer was out for a couple of days thanks to Time Warner Cable. I feel like I have the beginnings of a new family on here Everyone's comment were very welcoming.
Free Peace (Doug): Thanks. Nice pic too. I'm gonna try to get mine up soon. Its nice to see who you're talking too.
Celtic: I won the Inter-Scholastic Free-Style Musing Championship two years in a row. Just kidding. I haven't cracked my sociology books for three years. But, I'd be happy to exchange ideas with you anytime.
Laura : Thank you for your kind words! Warm Regards Back...Perry
TJ: "Your family has little contact with you. Your association with your brothers is nil. If you have kids, or if they have kids, contact with Uncle Perry is zero, and their lives will not be as rich as a result. Friends who you grew up w/ view you as a traitor against God. You and I both know the list of negatives that has resulted following your leaving 'the truth.'
My question: Your departure, you separation from the Organization... at the end of the day, is it worth it?"
That getting right to it isn't it? All true and a painful question. Before I answer let me digress a bit.
A recent television commercial asked the question: "Are you spending enough time with your family?" Scene cuts to Dad bringing home a satellite television system for the family. Next scene: Mom has a sheepish smile as if to say " My husband is wonderful isn't he?" At the same time the kids are running toward their loving dad who is now going to spend more time with his family. Last scene: Family is sitting transfixed in a drone-like state in front of TV while Dad channel surfs.
Marketers know how to play off our legitimate needs. Obviously, the family is not spending more time with one another.....though physically together. They were lied to plain and simple.
With a lot of my family it was similar. Normal expressions of affection was simply replaced with what was going on in the org. The bible was always being talked about in how to conquoer someone elses argument.....etc. I never got to experience a normal functioning family free of judgementalism and legalism... which is really the whole point of the whole mess. It was really never a choice just a realization of the way things are.
So when you ask me if it was worth it. I have to ask myself what did I lose that I really had in the first place? Like the television commercial... it felt more like marketing an ideal rather than enjoying a relaxed family life. Do I wish we could all just enjoy ourselves without the pressure to perform and measure? You bet. But that will never happen in this system. I'm hoping for the next. That's about the best I can do.
Uncle Penn: Thank you. I would definitely reccommend reading "Understanding the Times" by David A. Nobel. After I read it I was quite jealous of my friends' education. She was truly unaware of how crippling it is to have a distorted view of the govt. family and religion. There are so many ideas floating around out there that is extremely helpful to be able to put a label on which perspective they belonged to. It is very scholarly written.
Trot: Nice pic too! Thanks for the encouragement.
dungbeetle: Thank you.
TeeJay: Congratulations on your fist year at school. My minor was in classical studies. I loved it. Went nicely with a sociology degree and a JW background wouldnt you say? HEHEHE
I agree with a lot of your thoughts. Sounds like you have the ability to hold two opposing ideas at the same time and to suspend judgement until you get more info. Thats my definition of an educated person. Just a word of caution. Many ideas we think are original we actually pick up through off-the-cuff remarks and attitudes from our friends. Pretty soon they become our worldview and go unchallenged if for no reason other than repetitiveness.
Know where a lot of ideas come from is very helpful in determining the hidden agenda by those promoting them.....Sounds like you are on the right track.
Take Care,
Hi Perry,
I want to extend a warm welcome to you. Your post was very enjoyable. i'm looking forward to many more.