Btw Caliber how is sado masochistic sex relevant here ?? :-) ???
In that case, get to bed FHN!! You ought to be spanked, staying up so late on the internet. I don't believe in spanking either, but I'd make an exception for you. ..... Cog
My comments were merely a joking response to this comment.. I merely found a picture on Google image related to spanking
no such intent as you described was intended.. also due to misunderstanding I immediately offered an apology , must I do this a second time for you ? However as a matter of fact I will apologize to you also now for unintended insult & indicate my good will
below was my immediate response to Cog... my intent was to lighten a tense situation not add to it..
So sorry it was a a joke in response to your comment really.. peace !!!
sincerely Caliber