I can't take it anymore ...

by compound complex 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Weak coffee.

    I use drip and never seem to get the measurement right. At the moment I'm on HIGH OCTANE, SHIFTING INTO HIGH GEAR ...

    I believe this morning's brew is akin to espresso in volatility.

    Any suggestions as to an exact quantity of cafe per 8-cup coffee maker?

    In-between strength is my aim.

    CoCo No Decaf

  • BabaYaga

    Beloved CoCo!!! What you need is a PERCOLATOR... you would not believe how good even cheap-o coffee tastes in a perc! It gets stronger but NOT BITTER. Very few of these exist or are even being produced anymore, but they are still available... you owe it to yourself. My CoCo deserves perked coffee!!!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, Dear Baba!

    I recall that G'ma had a beautiful stainless steel percolater. I bet I can find one at the thrift store.

    Percolated till you land upon the correct viscosity? Eh?



  • flipper

    COCO- My wife and I have the drip system and I usually go by a heaping teaspoon per each cup. So I brew 10 cups worth- so use 10 heaping teaspoons then. Don't know if that would give you more, or less according to what you want - but you asked so I spilled the beans, er coffee !LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • ldrnomo

    My wife and I have an automatic expresso machine so right now we're on our third latte each.

    By the way I just typed this message in record time while hanging from the dining room light upside down.

    Isn't caffeine great?


  • restrangled

    First of all buy whole bean coffee. The beans should be shiney when you open the bag and the aroma fantastic. Get a Mr. Coffee grinder and fill up to where the silver ends, grind 30 to 45 seconds. It also depends on the quality of coffee you are buying. I love the selections from Sams or Costco, 100 percent Arabica Colombian Supremo usually from Starbucks. About $20.00 for a 2.5 pound bag.

    Once opened, store the remainder in the freezer tightly sealed. (Never buy from the grocery store....stale as all get out!) (No sheen on the beans!)

    Clean your coffee maker once a month by running through 1/2 white vinegar and 1/2 water. Run it once again with just water.

    As the happy homemaker, I am sure you are aware of most if not all of this.

    If Colomian Supremo is too strong, try the French Roast or Breakfast Blend.....and always add a dab of half and half!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Great, Idrnomo and Mr. Flipper!

    I think I used 3 heaping TABLESPOONS for my 8 cups, so that seems about equivalent to your brew, Mr. F! VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!

    Yes, Idrnomo. Caffeine is the elixir of the, er, wide awake! Hanging from ceiling fixtures is great sport.

    Many thanks, Guys!

    CoCo FFeine

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    WOW! restrangled.

    That's a thorough breakdown if ever there was one. I guess Happy Homemaker isn't the know-it-all he seems to be.

    Thanks for taking the time by going step-by-step over this tested process called Expert Coffee Making.


  • carla

    Try a french press, makes great coffee but uses a lot of coffee in the process. I grind my own and use the 8 O'Clock in the purple bag, shiny almost oily looking beans. I only use the french press when desperate for a really good cup of strong coffee like from a good coffee shop.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Excellent suggestion, Carla.

    I recall that "we" had one years ago, though I was never the one expressing the coffee. It was very good coffee, no question there!

    Many thanks!


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