You can get a nice shiny brand new Perculator at Waltard....I have one...they are about 40.00 bucks and worth every cent! I'll never go bach to drip! Mkae ure it is not aluminum...but stainless!
I can't take it anymore ...
by compound complex 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't drink coffee but hubby does...... so every morning I put in 1/3 c. of coffee to brew 8 cups.
Not sure if it is any good but he likes it that way......
compound complex
I'll look into that, CrimsonBleu. Stainless is a must!
Thanks for taking the time to give me this information.
CoCo Cafe-a-Perkin'
compound complex
Thanks, Yknot, for that measurement.
I'm still experimenting [after all these years?!?!?].
Scarred for life
I use the same amount of coffee as Flipper. 1 heaping teaspoon per cup. I like to buy whole beans and grind right before brewing.
compound complex
Thank you, Scarred.
This seems a good and popular way - grinding your own!
Whodda thunk?
I appreciate your reply.
CoCo Caffe
A teaspoon? That coffee water making. I used a tablespoon per cup. I like it strong!
P.S. I only drink one mug (about a cup and a half) a day
compound complex
Hi Josie,
I think that's where I'm at!
Thanks for all your strength! !
CoCo's Still Zooming
I make coffee so strong, that one cup in the morning and one later on is enough for the day. To begin w, i mix it half w decaf. Then, i bring to a boil one cup of water, add two heaping tabl spoons of fine grind, and immediately pour it through a metal mesh strainer back into the cup. I add enough water to the top of the mix to make up for what gets lost in the grinds. It's never bitter, cuz it doesn't get boiled. It's SO strong and rich, that you don't need to add anything else. Keep tabs on your pulse, as you enjoy this deliscious drug.
compound complex
Thanks, Satanus:
Keep tabs on your pulse, as you enjoy this deliscious drug.
Still chugging along from the morning joe!
Before: thump-thump ... thump-thump ...