The most absurd comments yet about oral sex !!!

by Sour Grapes 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bohm

    Hm. So let me get this straight. On one hand, you can preach, pioneer, attend meetings, conventions and read a gazillion pages in the wt and awake and the, finally, after years of hardship, loss and suffering armageddon come and you wake up in earth 2.0 and can begin to dig graves.

    OR you can opt for plenty of oral sex untill you quickly croak from cancer only to be resurrected in paradise anyway.

    hmm. tough call....

  • rebel8

    I couldn't resist reading the comments and contributing.... Anyone interested in contributing a little more black propaganda?


    Tue Jan 22 01:43:34 GMT 2008 by Bill

    If two males have oral sex are they likely to get mouth cancer

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    Sat May 17 21:58:23 BST 2008 by Erin


    Anyone CAN GET HPV too!

    This doesn't just refer only to women.

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    Sat Nov 08 02:25:22 GMT 2008 by Nairobi

    If one of you has slept with women or has been in contact with someone else who may have it!

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    Sat Feb 02 21:17:35 GMT 2008 by Psycho7

    I have a lot of oral sex with other men. I've never had any signs or symptoms of anything.

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    Mon Feb 25 09:22:34 GMT 2008 by Benny

    I involved in homosex with one guy

    so many times i involved in oral sex but now icant control my self

    please give a solution

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    Mon Jun 23 00:11:51 BST 2008 by Jeremy

    Im a full time Transvestite and have had oral sex with many guys in the last 2 years..I have had no virus's

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    Sun Jul 12 22:39:52 BST 2009 by Brother Elder

    Jehovah's Witnesses have been taught by God's True Organization, the Watchtower Society, for decades that oral sex is wrong, even between married couples. Now we are vindicated! Praise Jehovah!

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    Mouth Condition

    Sat Jul 26 04:49:08 BST 2008 by Ted

    I have had a mouth condition for almost 4 years from oral sex with a woman I didn't know. Seeing doctors or dentist has lead me no ware. None of these so called professionals has even bothered to look into my mouth with anything other than the naked eye. The first ENT told me he thought it was herpes. A year later I decided to get a blood test which came back negative for both HSV1 and HSV2. My symptoms are like burning mouth syndrome.

    Can this be cause by HPV?

  • carla

    What the hell???!!! Good grief, don't they have anything better to talk about? I dunno, maybe the fact they claim to follow bible principles they might actually discuss something biblical? this still shocks me that they even bring up this topic at a meeting of mixed company and all ages! damn perverts. insane, just insane.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I heard of a case where oral sex caused a car crash.

    So let that be a lesson to all you "joy riders" out there. No OS behind the wheel or Jehovah will smite you.

    Never heard of it causing cancer before. But it sounds like a risk worth taking.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Oral sex. Ridiculous. Thanks to "Ninny" Knorr's prudeness, millions of people now living will never experience oral sex....

    That elder made that shit up. It's not in the outline. He is just spouting the company line and getting a nice pat on the back for it, appearting to be a loyal company man.

    You know what else causes cancer? Stress from anxiety relating to trying to please a made up god, with a made up religion, with its made up rules. That will give you a lot more cancer then oral sex. I hear it causes strokes and heart attacks to..

    F*ck them.

  • purplesofa

    I heard of a case where oral sex caused a car crash.


  • Satanus

    I heard that sucking on hot car exhausts can cause lip burns. Doing it while the car is running can cause carbon monoxide poisoning. Bad practice. J hoover would not like a person doing that.


  • Gregor

    Is it actually possible to suck a golf ball through a garden hose? Maybe, but Not for Christians!

    Should a Christian who loves Jay Hoover even try to lick the chrome off a bumper hitch?

    Not unless you want to lose out on ever lasting life, lickity split.

    Jesus said "it is not the things going into the mouth that defiles one, but the things coming out."

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Purps, are you pondering what I'm pondering?

    Yeah, the driver was probably talking to somebody on the cell phone, too.

  • mrsjones5

    "are you pondering what I'm pondering?"

    I think so Billy, but where are we going to get a duck and a hose at this hour?

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