The bigger quesion is whether the tetragrammaton appears in the NT. Of all 5,000+ NT manuscripts it never appears once, which they concede in their Insight Books. JWs claim it was a grand conspiracy to remove it.
Does the name Jehovah actually exist in the original Hebrew language?
by Yizuman 105 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
hi cattails
I agree with you, YHWH is Gods written name in Hebrew in early times they didn't use any vowels at all, people simply read these letters and knew the word exactly, although later times when literacy declined vowel pointers were added and even then the pronouciation could vary. 'Jehovah' uses all these letter and is english translation. Something to note is recent research is backing the 3 sylables of Jehovah rather than the two of yahweh as more correct.
Jehovah is Gods name as much as yeshua, ieous and Jesus are his sons name people should realise this and be aware of it before they reject Gods name and using it.
Yahweh is not 2 sylables in Hebrew, it is in fact 4, phonetically speaking: YeYahOuWeh ( My hebrew friends excuse the bad grammer).
According to Josephus, the sacred name had 4 Vowels by the way.
Hi JD,
The bigger quesion is whether the tetragrammaton appears in the NT. Of all 5,000+ NT manuscripts it never appears once, which they concede in their Insight Books. JWs claim it was a grand conspiracy to remove it.
1 Timothy 1:3-4 (New International Version)
Warning Against False Teachers of the Law
3 As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer 4 nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God's work—which is by faith1 Timothy 4:7 (New International Version)
7 Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly.
2 Timothy 4:3-4 (New International Version)
3 For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
Titus 1:14 (New International Version)
14 and will pay no attention to Jewish myths or to the commands of those who reject the truth.
All the best,
Consider this:
Scientist discovered a “map” of four DNA bases that carry the ability to sustain life. These bases, known as chromosomes, are paired differently for each person. Human DNA contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, made up of hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, and their acidic counterparts. Encoded within these elements is an amazing blueprint of life that proves the Creator has put His own unique stamp upon every person. This stamp is actually His name as revealed to Moses thousands of years ago.
It was from the burning bush that the Almighty revealed his character as the great “I AM.” This name is the tetragrammaton of the Hebrew letters yod, hey, waw, hey. “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: `I AM has sent me to you. The Almighty said to Moses, "Say to the Israelites, `Y H W H , the mighty one of our fathers… This is my name forever, the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation,” Exodus 3:14,15. The Almighty has given us His name as a sign of His existence and an avenue of communication. However, translators have hidden this Hebrew name in English Bibles. In the Scriptures, the Sacred name of YHWH is used whenever the English words “LORD” or “GOD” appear in all capital letters. YHWH is used almost 7,000 times throughout the Bible as the only and unique name of the Mighty One of Israel. Isaiah corroborates this: "I am YHWH; that is my name; and my glory will I not give to another, " Isaiah 42:7. Jeremiah adds his confirmation: "They shall know that my name is YHWH," in chapter 16 verse 21. While Amos 5:8 says, "YHWH is his name." The book of Zechariah declares: "In that day there shall be one YHWH, and his name one." The Creator’s Name is YHWH.
Now, compare this four-lettered name to the four elements that make up human DNA and discover an ancient secret of creation. “The key to translating the code of DNA into a meaningful language is to apply the discovery that converts elements to letters. Based upon their matching values of atomic mass, hydrogen becomes the Hebrew letter Yod (Y), nitrogen becomes the letter Hey (H), oxygen becomes the letter Wav (V or W), and carbon becomes Gimel (G). These substitutions now reveal that the ancient form of YHWH’s name, YHWH, exists as the literal chemistry of our genetic code. Through this bridge between YHWH’s name and the elements of modern science, it now becomes possible to reveal the full mystery and find even greater meaning in the ancient code that lives as each cell of our bodies.
When we substitute modern elements for all four letters of YHWH’s ancient name, we see a result that, at first blush, may be unexpected. Replacing the final H in YHWH with its chemical equivalent of nitrogen, YHWH’s name becomes the elements hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen (HNON) — all colorless, odorless, and invisible gases! In other words, replacing 100 percent of YHWH’s personal name with the elements of this world creates a substance that is an intangible, yet very real form of creation! This is not to suggest that YHWH is simply a wispy gas made of invisible elements. Rather, it’s through the very name that YHWH divulged to Moses over three millennia ago that our world and the foundation of life itself became possible. YHWH tells us that in the form of hydrogen, the single most abundant element of the universe, He is a part of all that has ever been, is, and will be.
Indeed, in the earliest descriptions of YHWH, we are told that He is omnipresent and takes on a form in our world that cannot be seen with our eyes. Thus, He can be known only through His manifestations. The Sepher Yetzirah describes this nonphysical form of YHWH’s presence as the “Breath” of YHWH: “Ten Sefirot of Nothingness: One is the Breath of the Living YHWH, Life of worlds. This is the Holy Breath.”
Additionally, the first chapters of Genesis relate that it is in a nonphysical form that the Creator was present during the time of creation (Genesis 1:2). It was “the spirit of YHWH” that first moved over the face of the earth.
Substituting modern elements for the ancient letters, it is clear that although we share in the first three letters representing 75 percent of our Creator’s name. While the presence of YHWH is the invisible and intangible form of the three gases hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, the last letter of our name is the "stuff" that gives us the color, taste, texture, and sounds of our body: carbon. The one letter that sets us apart from YHWH is also the element that makes us "real" in our world - carbon.Through both the secret letter codes of antiquity, and the literal translation of DNA as an alphabet, we’re shown that something about our existence remains lasting and eternal. We share that never-ending quality with our Creator through a full seventy-five percent of the elements that define our genetic code,” wrote Gregg Braden in his book The God Code.
No *J* in the Hebrew language and pronouncing god's name wrong reminds me of Brett Favre, previously of Green Bay.
It is pronounced F-A-R-V-E.
It is spelled F-A-V-R-E.
What is wrong with this? Anyone? Besides every Bear fan who says it properly?
Hi pscra
interest information does that mean our english yahweh doesn't resemble with its 2 sylables the actual vowel pronouciation? yahweh is still the scholarly translation and not one I would baulk at the same as If I heard a another language pronouciation these are like yeshua and ieous are two Jesus.
Very cool indeed !
Translation and pronunciation are not the same thing, obviously, and we don't knwo what is the exact spelling or pronounciation of YHWH, we can only speculate based on what we have to work with.
We do know that Jehovah is a combination of YHWH and Adonai or/and Elohim, which makes it a combination of "names" that are being translated and NOT the translation of YHWH proper.
Do you say yesus? you can't make an issue out of the J in Jehovah unless you do the following get the bible you currently use and a black marker pen now go through it and change every name beginning with J like Jesus, Joshua, Jeroboam, Jonathan and so on and so forth and change them to Y.
English is a very late written language and the current alphabet was only finalised about 500 years ago.
Y/J is a palatal approximant I am not big phonetics but this means what is Y for them is J for others.
Hi psacra
YHWH is Gods name an ancient hebrew could read it right now and tell us the sounds involved, since no vowels are used later pointers added or taken away were of later design and usage and not relevant.