The white socks rule is a good one unless you're a diabetic.
What Were Some Stupid Rules In Your Hall?
by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends
Sisters couldn't wear long dresses if there was a slit to the knee. Yet a dress slightly above the knee was ok and showed a lot more leg!
keyser soze
I've found that socks were only an issue when the brother's pants were way too short.
When our hall was built the rule was no baby bottles in the hall you had to sit in the bathroom or in the tiled entrance way. Pain in the butt trying to keep a little one happy for 2 hrs with no bottle. Also no writing instruments at all for kids ,another tough one how do you keep them happy for 2 hours if they cant write or draw.No gum no mints etc...ughhh
Pandoras cat11
If your baby went "poo" in their diaper you had to put the dirty mess in a platic bag and then in your diaper bag, or purse. I understand this to point. Why didn't any of the halls have trash cans outside? Never understood this. Trash service is NOT that expensive. My kids diaper ended up in our trunk of the car. Good times. Seriously, why wasn't their trash cans outside of the hall?
One year at the DC, someone had the "flash of light" that the mirrors in the bathrooms should all be papered over.
How nice it was to battle the wind across a 2-block long parking lot, trying to keep your skirt from blowing up around your neck, while hauling lunch, book bag, kids etc., only to not be able to even see if your hair was still attached to your head. when you got to the building!!!!
BTW - the Brothers were allowed to have their mirrors.....just not the sisters.
No boy-boy sleepovers - this after some sort of situation arose in the congregation. I don't know how widespread the situation was but it seems weird to have a blanket ban instead of just dealing with the offending parties individually. When I was finally allowed to have a friend over we had to sleep on seperate floors of the house.
Apparently there was a congregation near ours that banned women wearing red dresses because the symbolic Great Harlot in the publications wore a red dress. I still don't get how a color that God created could be evil...
Someone told me that to give a talk at the assembly brothers had to wear a matching suit, in other words, jacket and pants could not be different. Does anyone know if that's true?
Our KH has the bring your dirty diapers home rule too......but everyone just keeps flushing them down the toilet instead. A few times meetings have been cut short due to blocked sewage pipes......hmmmm....I may have something here.
Jadeen, they better let the CO and the DO wives know that red dresses are forbidden. The ones in this area wear one at least once a week.