I attended congregation in a predominantly black city. For a while, they didn't want women to wear braids. They came up with some b.s. reason. But I think it was because some of the older "friends" didn't like Afrocentric hairstyles. Self- hating, imperialist morons!!!!
What Were Some Stupid Rules In Your Hall?
by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends
No toe rings!
Seriously, the PO once commented that women who wore toe rings were advertising themselves as available and ready for sex. My friend and I went up to him after the meeting and she stuck her foot out so that he would see that she was wearing one! She told him that since she was single and available, he must be right! All he could do was give her a dirty look. I could never have gotten away with that, but she is known for speaking up and calling bullsh*t.
No off the shoulder or spagetti strapped dresses, immodest of course. I once got ragged out for wearing a barely off the shoulder dress to an assembly, wow, must have really turned some of those brothers on seeing a peek of shoulders.
White Dove
Don't the Baptists have a rule against dancing, too?
That may have been because they leave their pedophiles unchecked and don't warn parents about perverts in their midst.
This is the case in my hall the elders say they will be the one watching the kids so NO PARENTS can know the child molesters are but the elders don't stop anything. The pedophiles even hold the kids and because none of the parents know it is all fine with the elders. I do not know what the elders are watching then. The PO told me that he was worried because one pedophile aways followed the kids to the bathroom and this PO just did not know how to stop it. OH MY GOD I got into huge trouble for telling a mom who one of the pedophiles was and then the stupid mom let her kid sit with the pedophiles family because the elders told her I was a gossip for informing her. I know, I know sounds to crazy to be true. Sadly it is true.
In one of my halls you could not put anything on the back counter such as a thank you note or a wedding invitation. Then we moved to a different hall and the PO's daughter was getting married I want to say more but just a little afraid that I might get found out so let just say the daughter was getting married to this cheapskate. Well instead of mailing out invitation they just put it on the back counter for everyone to see. How tacky in some ways and also how stupid for it to be so horribly wrong in one hall and two miles away it is OK. Stupid religion.
Scarred for life
How many pedophiles do you have in your congregation?
It only takes one, the average pedophile molests over 100 children during the lifetime of the pedophile.
Scarred for life
She uses the plural "pedophiles". It wasn't a smart-ass question. I was being serious.
I didn't even suggest it was a smart-ass question. Merely emphasizing the damage that one pedophile in a congregation can cause.
No toe rings!
Ha! That reminds me, we were told no anklets- the jewlery not socks- because that meant you were available.