No snowboarding? WTF? I could see their idea of needing to make everyone the same, but no snowboarding? Why?
What Were Some Stupid Rules In Your Hall?
by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends
You guys got me on this. If I remember it was something about being to pleasurable?
MINIMUS- I was told I could not carry microphones if I wore white socks ! One elder told me I had to wear colored socks or dark socks . I was almost tempted to carry the mikes barefooted and see what reaction THAT got ! LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Speaking of garage sales, I know they were frowned upon in my cong. One time we were in field service and my wife and I saw a nice chair at a garage sale that we really wanted. So we bought it and put it in the truck of our car. The other 2 in our car group didn't want to get back in the car. They asked me to bring it back to my home and come back for them. I told them I didn't have time because we were done for the day and we had an appointment, they would have to make their own way home. Once they realized how far they were from their home they were able to put their fears aside and get in the car. They didn't talk much......I'll bet they were praying all the way home.
No dancing.
Look out for demonized chairs! They grab your butt and won't let go!
The only other thing I can think of that hasn't been mentioned is at convention times we were told we had to sit as a group in one section.
That sounds like a morphed version of the direction for the brother in charger of the convention assigned cleaning area to sit there with his family. Some of the congregation chose to sit there but they weren't required to do so. This sounds like a twisted version.
As to snowboarding, I wonder if skiing was forbidden then and what the "rationale" for this "rule"? I would have gone anyway, After all what could they take away, being in the school, ha, being announced as an auxiliary pioneer, just put the time in anyway, not be allowed to comment (thought that was reserved for restrictions connected to reproff and reinstatement). How come being forbidden to come to meetings is never a punishment....because coming to meetings is the punishment.
No sex in the parking lot.
Luckily in most of the halls I went to that rule wasn't enforced... I even fooled around in the lunch area with a pioneer once... GOOD times! lol
the mirrors in the bathrooms should all be papered over.
I would just tear that crap off, you get some weird looks but no one will protest. They are all tough as hell behind your back.
Did she buy her snowboard at a garage sale? Was it demonised?
Maybe her board had a picture of a smurf on it!? She should have gone out and gotten a burton ouija!
Thats funny because we had congregation ski/snowboarding trips after the meetings on sunday at least once a month in the winter. We had an older elder who raised hell about it saying it was a dangerous sport but since most of the other elders liked skiing everyone just ignored him.
My wife is from middle of nowhere iron range MN. I know skiing was fine but that was in the mid 90's when she was a teenager. It prolly had something to do with the counterculture aspects of it. I know she brought an elder with to make them change their mind.
From Blondie:
The only other thing I can think of that hasn't been mentioned is at convention times we were told we had to sit as a group in one section.
That sounds like a morphed version of the direction for the brother in charger of the convention assigned cleaning area to sit there with his family. Some of the congregation chose to sit there but they weren't required to do so. This sounds like a twisted version.
You have know idea... twisted is what I would call it also. Yes, it did stem from working together at the Conventions.
Maybe "had" is too strong a word for the situation, but.... He (the PO) did feel that it was such a good idea that he strongly "Suggested" that we all sit together, he certainly didn't have any real authority over the matter. Most complied, and those that didn't... well, you know what happens when you buck the system.