Connection confirmed!
Just a few words to confirm that yesterday’s speaker at the 6screens conference is actually myself, and that this is my nickname on this forum, whilst my actual name is “Roberto di Stefano”.
I was flattered to have been invited by Rick Fearon to speak at the conference today [it was 1 o’clock in the morning here in Europe]and happy to have shared briefly with those of you who were in attendance my personal experience.
I hope that now that the experience has been told from the horse mouth, what I consider the value-less debated on the reasons of my disfellowshipping cease.
I believe that it has more value, both, to us, ex-JW and to the Leadership of the WT, to understand why it is dangerous and counter-productive to start a witch-hunt against prominent ex-JW who only asked to be left alone!
It is one thing to have an ex-JW posting anonymously on a forum where, despite the value of his participation, the impact on those who know him or have known him in his prominent role in the Organization are near to zero, and another thing is for the same person to come out in the open.
Just think about Barbara’s contribution to the cause. Although Barbara’s intrinsic value was the same before and after she came out in the open, one has to agree that the damage she caused to this Organization has grown exponentially since she came out in the open.
And this is true for anyone of us here on this forum and elsewhere who had a prominent role in the Organization.
On one hand, because those who have known us had an excellent opinion of our life-long demonstration of, fairness, truthfulness, loyalty, and knowledge of the Bible and of the teachings of the Organization and a dedication and just can’t resist, on account of their astonishment, curiosity and incredulity, wanting to know what has made us make this unthinkable decision to abandon “God’s Organization”;
On the other hand, because finally, being free to stand up for our position, we can engage in a larger and more powerful combat against this cult!
There are obviously very good reasons why one makes the decision to remain anonymous, reasons which I don’t intend to discuss in this post. But when these disappear by themselves or, worse, when these are invalidated because of the stubborn persistence of the Organization to officially announce from the podium that you are not anymore a JW, then it is time to come out in the open and use your previous position and reputation as a prominent member of the Organization to fight back the same with all your capabilities and resources.
Coming back to my own specific case, Yes, I registered as an anonymous user of this forum with Nick! as nickname over two years ago. I have not been very active on this forum because my time has been spent on an Italian and, partially, on a French forum, also using a nickname.
Now that I have no reasons left to remain anonymous, I can finally put into operation the strategy I have long been working on during these last two years.
This is another aspect to take into account. Knowing that one day or another you will have to come out in the open, start preparing your official exit NOW! And work on making it as destructive as possible for the Organization!
I will tell you more on my website, one of these days, about my experience, my strategy and the way I have implemented it. For the time being, my website is basically in Italian and French, but the English section is being developed and the day it will be launched, I will announce it on this forum.
The objective of my website is to collect and disseminate information on this destructive cult.
The aim is to concentrate on collecting and translating a selection of important documentation and experiences in different languages. I have already asked and received the OK to translate material made available by Barbara Anderson, Randy Watters, Alan Feuerbacher and others, which are in the process of being translated into Italian and French. Translators in other languages of the same material are welcome!
To those of you who can read Italian and French could already link to my website where, for the time being, the only information is the preparation and the program of Barbara’s Anderson visit to Europe this last month, which I have organized since November of last year as one of the activities planned in my strategy.
The website is , but I have also purchased the following domain names pointing to the same above website:
- English - French - Spanish
The first thing I will publish is a résumé of Barbara’s trip to Europe, with the YouTube links to the two conferences held in Italy on the Pedophilia and the danger to associate with JW, which I have translated live into Italian.
More to come!
– Roberto alias Nick!