I've notice you do not mention what he was disfellowshipped for?
Reniaa, don't judge lest you be judged.
by the research lady 226 Replies latest jw friends
I've notice you do not mention what he was disfellowshipped for?
Reniaa, don't judge lest you be judged.
I find it fascinating that the WTS has this obsession with seeking out and destroying those that are content to just leave and thereby force people to actively combat them. It's like they have this childish need to be the center of peoples' lives and throw a tantrum anytime they are not.
This gentlemen left without hostility, but the WTS just couldn't leave him alone.
sorry. double post.
Poor guy is kind of screwed with Reniia no matter what. If he was DF'd for apostacy, it is sour grapes that is making him speak out now. And if he was DF'd for apostacy, than he is an apostate! Therefore nothing he says matters, no matter what.
In the case his words born out my thoughts as with Ray whose books caused many witnesses to stumble. If someone is an apostate then they ARE apostate and both Ray and Nick became apostates Actively if they weren't apostates then they would have walked different roads than they have.
reniaa, jehovah will protect them, what are you worried about?
the problem is, will the witnesses of jehoba protect you?
the answer is: the WTBS only looks out for itself.... it won't even help elders that are sued personally for implementing policy
In the case his words born out my thoughts as with Ray whose books caused many witnesses to stumble. If someone is an apostate then they ARE apostate and both Ray and Nick became apostates Actively if they weren't apostates then they would have walked different roads than they have.
How can words stumble? What words did Ray use that weren't 100% true?
Ray exposed the Governing Body as control freaks who were less concerned with truth and accuracy then with their own power.
The problem is, the GB claims that this group is the one honest group out there. It is anything but. "Apostates" is a term that the GB has used cleverly for decades, but is slowly losing its meaning and power with this group. Those that leave as Ray did document what goes on behind closed doors.
If JW's stumble, its not because of Ray Franz. It's because Ray Franz wrote about the lie of 607 BCE and the related date of 1914, of how totally unrelated matters of personal life such as sexual conduct between married persons suddenly became the self assumed perview of the GB, and of how the GB, when threatened, institutionalized a kangoaroo court to kick ourt and shun all who would expose them for what they were and continue to be; power hungry self deceivers.
Jesus was the ultimate apostate. He spoke out against a system that had turned corrupt, and served only the purposes of the leadership at the expense of the sheep. Many today have done the same thing, speaking out against the Governing Body and their abusive practices as a matter of conscience, for dare exposing that the emperor wears no clothes.
Causing witnesses to STUMBLE??? STUMBLE??? If STUMBLING is all that is happening to the fucking JWs then you nor THEY have anything to bitch about!! THEY arent losing their families to SHUNNING!! THEY arent losing their children to FALSE BLOOD DOCTRINES! THEY are not seeing their children being MOLESTED and the MOLESTORS GOING FREE because of the PEDOPHILE LOVERS running this CULT!!
STUMBLING????? GIve me a fucking BREAK
lets cry for reniaa
Well said Jeff
How can words stumble? What words did Ray use that weren't 100% true?
Ray exposed the Governing Body as control freaks who were less concerned with truth and accuracy then with their own power.
Reinaa, you seem to me to be very ignorant about his books and yet you have the arrogance to pass judgement on the man, his research and BIBLE BASED thoughts. Its obvious to me you have no idea what you are talking about