Is the nonbeliever at fault for rejecting accepting a God?
Is the Nonbeliever at Fault fo Rejecting God?
by leavingwt 30 Replies latest jw friends
Oh Deputy, you bring us the answer: God fashions common vessels for his self-indulgent nature!
God loves us, no matter what, that is the gift of his grace.
Why? how can he?
God knows everything about us, what we have done ( godd and bad) what we have been through (good and bad), God knows WHY and God understands.
God forgives us and gives us his Grace, IF we are willing to accepted.
We may not believe or even care abut God, but he believes and cares about US.
We can fool others, even ourselves, we can't fool God, God Knows and God knows why.
Ain't logic a bitch?
No, she is not at fault. Consider the following:
It isn't a question of "fault." It is a question of "choice." Either choice can be rational, depending on the user's values and loves. Also, nonbelief and rejection are not the same thing. Category error.
Mad Dawg
According to Christians, the decision to reject God is indicative of a deep defect in the nonbeliever’s moral and rational faculties.
That's a new one to me. I find the whole construct a series of baseless assumptions. I am suspicious of the use of the word "defect". Is the implication here to accuse Christians of thinking of unbelievers as being "retards"? Christians believe that there are wise and unwise decisions.
Statements 8-11 are circular reasoning. Just like: "A person would have to be crazy to go on a murder rampage. He must be innocent by reason of insanity because he went on a murder rampage."
Rational or irrational decisions cannot be broken down into a decision tree that applies to everyone. Decisions are determined more by an indivual's world view and value system than any supposed rationality. Any salesman can tell you that most decisions are made on the basis of emotions rather than logic.
What is there is, is a lot of philosophical reasonings, but nothing remotely connected to Christian thought. Straw man burning.
"Ain't logic a bitch?"
God forgives us and gives us his Grace, IF we are willing to accepted.
You're not talking about the biblical god but some other deity, right?
We may not believe or even care abut God, but he believes and cares about US. We can fool others, even ourselves, we can't fool God, God Knows and God knows why.
This is definately not talking about JHWH?? I fail to see the need for god to know the world as I know it or imagine it and feel all warm and fuzzy careing for me in some way that I imagine, to me it is a condition of transference
I’m of the opinion that you can’t be at fault in rejecting god if you are not 100% certain of his/hers/its existence. By most humans standards, religions and beliefs god is almighty, yet the almighty hasn’t the power to make his presence known in a manner that would put this 1 simple question to rest once and for all. I’m not even talking about religion with the thousands of beliefs in what this god actually expects. To those that would say you need to look at creation, read scriptures, you need faith etc. I say it should be self evident to every human being on earth, case closed. For all I know maybe god actually doesn’t want us to know the truth about his existence, because he/she/it prefers humans to think for themselves and won’t blindly follow every superstitious believe, religion or written word.
That is certainly your perogative.