To me, this is just like door-to-door, except that it's less physically dangerous, and I have the advantage of always having my references on hand. With good reliable partners, such as lurk3r, reniaa, and various others, I basically never have to go-it-alone, and my words are on record so if others twist them, I can twist them right back.
Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions regarding "attention seekers"?
by BonaFide 208 Replies latest jw friends
Spike Tassel
it's good to play along, with a sense of humour, as you see me do.
Black Sheep
Please give me a link to a closed site for ex- or anti-Jws, Reniaa. I want to have a look at one.
Spike Tassel
a devil's advocacy club, eh?
People like Mary, isaac and outlaw add very little to debates other than to character assasinate me, is that good for these forums?
LMAO.....So I add 'very little to debates'? I normally don't toot my own horn, but I'm pretty sure I've added far more practical and benefical discussion to this forum than what you have Reniaa. BTW, how did you enjoy my project?
I have look at a few sites, yes set Jw sites are closed to only Jw's
Yep - because JWs are forbidden to think independently of the WT. Even forbidden to read the Bible alone.
Even it's official name invites the perception that witnesses will be on it to talk to and get a witness pespective.
Yep, and any JW stumbling upon this site realising the opinions of the majority, would simply click out and promptly forget it.
I'll be honest most pro-witnesses are put off by this site simply because you have to deal with constant personal attacks outside of your viewpoints.
Really? Pro-witnesses are PUT OFF because they don't want to hear any opinion about the WT that differs from their own. I think you're TOTALLY missing every point nearly EVERY poster has made. The majority of people here were JWs - many since before you were even a twinkle in your father's eye...and you totally disrespect them. IF you believe that you can 'save lurkers' then you must be very afraid that the TRUTH about the WT can be found on this forum.
People like Mary, isaac and outlaw add very little to debates other than to character assasinate me, is that good for these forums? Am I to blame because they want to keep drawing personal attention to me just because I do not agree with them?
My opinion - you are going way tooooo far. I suspect you've never actually READ any of Mary's threads (maybe you're only interested in seeing your own words on a post?), but she has a gift for writing (Mary, I've never told you, but you've made me smile - and educated me - sooo many times - I did request a copy of your 'book' but...) - perhaps you're jealous of her gift or popularity? The same as the other day, offending Mouthy (and not for the first time)...does it grieve you that she is loved and respected? Just wondering...
As a non jw here I don't think those who are jw apologists really are jw's. They can't be, the wt has been very clear that jw's are not to come to sites such as these. I think they are fence sitters or df'd people who they themselves cannot live up to the so called 'standards' of the wt. Usually they do not seem up to speed on wt doctrines either. They have their own psuedo jw religion where they mix part wt doctrine with their own warped thinking about things and if they do cite scripture it often has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic at hand except in some bizare way in their own mind.
I do know of one site where some psuedo/jw has taken over nearly every topic and slowly people have been disappearing from that site because they take control over every single post. I don't know, maybe they are home alone all the time and do nothing else. It is a shame because there used to be some very thoughtful and respectful posters there. The wacko jw has turned so many people off it has basically turned into their board and a few stragglers. I never posted there but lurked due to a few patient posters who had much love for jw's but have disappeared now, whether it was because of the wacko jw or personal reasons I can't say for sure.
How do the so called jw's who post here reconcile in their mind what the fds has handed down here? Remember, the fds says this is God's words...according to the wt those jw's who post here 'share in wicked works'.
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*** w06 1/15 p. 23 par. 13 Do Not Allow Place for the Devil *** Because of listening to the Devil and not rejecting his lies, the first human pair apostatized. So, then, should we listen to apostates, read their literature, or examine their Web sites on the Internet? If we love God and the truth, we will not do so. We should not allow apostates into our homes or even greet them, for such actions would make us ‘sharers in their wicked works.’ (2 John 9-11)
w04 2/15 p. 17 par. 9 Guard Against Deception ***How can we guard against being deceived by apostates? By heeding the advice from God’s Word , which says: "Keep your eye on those who cause divisions and occasions for stumbling contrary to the teaching that you have learned, and avoid them." (Romans 16:17) We "avoid them" by steering clear of their reasonings—whether in person, in printed form, or on the Internet. Why do we take such a stand? First, because God’s Word directs us to do so, and we trust that Jehovah always has our best interests at heart.—Isaiah 48:17, 18.
(Mary, I've never told you, but you've made me smile - and educated me - sooo many times - I did request a copy of your 'book' but...)
Oh shoot! Didn't I get you a copy?? I'm sorry hon.....can you PM me your email address again and I'll send it off to you now.
Mr. Majestic
I'll be honest most pro-witnesses are put off by this site simply because you have to deal with constant personal attacks outside of your viewpoints.
I’m afraid that I will have to agree with this statement of Reniaa’s. I have seen on many occasions some pro JW will come on the site and end up with a personal attack because of their views and are treated with contempt.
I think that it is a shame because debate is ended at that point, and it is always good to get alternative view points, even if they clash with our own, because then both sides of the argument can be read which will assist lurkers to weigh up the truth in each argument. When it results in personal insults it always detracts from what that person is saying, taking away from their argument even if they do have the right perspective.
Although saying that, sometimes a pro JW will come on here with an attitude which will just antagonise people who have been hurt by the WT, but I think that even then people on here should be the bigger person in such a debate. I think the most effective way is to give the pro JW enough rope to hang themselves and then leave it for all to read. You can never force an opinion on someone who is deliberately in denial, and doing such is futile and distracting from the persons own argument no matter how correct their thinking is. This then goes onto fulfil the need of attention in some because it provokes a reaction which they thrive on.
Spike Tassel
majestically put