The WT preaches that Jesus directed his attention toward earthly affairs in 1914....after a string of events selected them in 1919 to handle his earthly affairs and that now one must come to them for salvation. No, that is definitely not the message of God...that is why I do not beleive it.
Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions regarding "attention seekers"?
by BonaFide 208 Replies latest jw friends
I have look at a few sites, yes set Jw sites are closed to only Jw's and yes ex-Jw sites are closed site only for ex- or anti-Jws. The problem is this site is sitting on the fense so to speak...Allowing "everyone" to voice thier opinion is a problem?.....Only for Pro WBT$ Chearleaders.....LOL!!
Even it's official name invites the perception that witnesses will be on it to talk to and get a witness pespective...Witness`s do come on this board and voice thier opinion.....Even Pretend Jehovah`s Witness`s can post..Your here..
Simon knows this and in the early days the intention of this site was for Jehovah's witnesses but to allow all opinions...This site still allows "all" opinions..When has anyone ever been able to shut you up?..LOL!!
I'll be honest most pro-witnesses are put off by this site simply because you have to deal with constant personal attacks outside of your viewpoint....You have no idea whats going on most of the time..Much less know what other people are thinking..LOL!!
I just ignore them since I think that is a kind of attention they are seeking..Your off topic 99% of the time.....People are so tired of it.....They either try to remind you to get back on topic,get on topic or get off thier thread,or start your own thread.....Your a constant pain in the ass!..LOL!!
People like Mary, isaac and outlaw add very little to debates other than to character assasinate me..Mary,Isaac and I know how to Stay on Topic..We are also good at Spotting Bullshit..
, is that good for these forums?..Yes..Being able to stay on Topic and Spot Bullshit is good!..LOL!!
Am I to blame because they want to keep drawing personal attention to me just because I do not agree with them?..This thread was dedicated to people like you..Niether Mary,Isaac or I started this thread.....It was started by a newer poster who is tired of Trolls,Hi-Jacking threads..Which you do on a constant basis.....You have managed to piss people off around the world..Japan,Canada,USA,Australia..Ect..ect..ect..
Your still free to voice your opinion on this forum..
Reniaa ...............LOL!!...OUTLAW
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Carla said: "As a non jw here I don't think those who are jw apologists really are jw's. They can't be, the wt has been very clear that jw's are not to come to sites such as these. I think they are fence sitters or df'd people who they themselves cannot live up to the so called 'standards' of the wt."
As the subject of the thread states, they are attention seekers. Just like the nut interrupting BF's class or the one following him around the store, they just have to keep babbling something to keep getting other people's attention. The best way to get it here is to post something controversial. Regardless of what they really think or do, they have to say something that gets the attention they crave.
If it really was about defending the Jehovah's Witnesses, wouldn't the GB appoint responsible BROTHERS to do it?
Spike said: "Just as Jonah was surprised when Nineveh was spared the first time, so JWs may be surprised at how things play out, and the WTS has said so to that effect"
The lesson of Jonah is very clear. Jehovah declared the destruction of Ninevah. When it wasn't destroyed as Jonah prophecied, it meant that Jehovah had changed his mind and the city was spared.
Same today. Since Armageddon didn't come in 1975, nor did it come during the generation of 1914, it means that Jehovah has changed his mind and spared the system of things.
B the X
TheGB has clearly state din the WT that JWs are not to be curious about 'aposate ideas' as well as they should not try to refute their beliefs. Attention seekers will try to justify their violation of clear cut WT commands by making claims such as the name of this site could attract active JWs or curious ones ...that this site is not so clear-cut to the unsuspecting person, etc. The WT is quite clear in its command- stay away from these sites, do not attempt to refute, run away, do not read, etc.
And in all honesty, B the X made a great point- IF the WT was in any sense concerned about an unsuspecting person coming here they would have those whom they deem qualified come here to defend. They do not care about that...they only care about controlling their own members. That is whom they build fear and paranoia about coming to these sites.
The attention seekers are usually the black sheep, the outcasts to the group they so desperately want to be a part of but could not for whatever reason. Quite obviously the case with attention seekers here.
That is why i say, don't feed the pigs.
One idea- let this thread die. Stop poking the bear with a stick.
Ya......This is getting old..
Reminds me of meetings..
The same subject over and over..
Nothing new,or interesting..
eating left overs
the same left overs
for a month
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
11 pages!
I think it's time for a Blame-Storming Session...
I blame BonaFide. He's obviously the REAL "attention seeker" for starting this thread.
B the X