Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions regarding "attention seekers"?

by BonaFide 208 Replies latest jw friends

  • isaacaustin

    wow. ANother characterisitc of the attention seeking trolls is to try to turn things around, place the blame on everyone else but themselves. I also notice constant justification of themselves. They obviously have alot of emtional problems. Keep warming up to the ignoring of the the attention sekers...Aug is almost here. Don't feed the swine!

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    swine get their own swill when they don't get it from their human owners

  • isaacaustin

    I guess the funniest part about ignoring and not feeding the swine is to watch the pig eat her own s*&t. LOL

  • PSacramento

    I never understood the "thin skin" that some JW's seem to have...

    I mean, just the other day a lady said to me " There are only two choices, to serve jehova or serve Satan, I choose to serve jehova".

    It echoed some of the same things I have heard muslim extremists say and fundamental christian wacos that bomb abortion clincs and old time christians on a good old fashioned witch buring or crusade.

    Then you call their view for what they are, extremist propaganda and they get all sensitive, wtf ?

    Its ok to say that billions will be destroyed, innocent children and all and when someone points out how full of crap you are, your feelings are hurt?

    What's wrong with this picture ??

  • isaacaustin

    Psac, the WT is not at all unique in its tactics. All cults go with the "there are only two sides, and we are the only right side..." spiel. All cults claim that they are the only ones who are right on a whole bunch of bullet points....they are the only ones who will survive God's judgment. In that sense the WT is not unique...maybe a bit more extreme on the shunning....but certainly not a monopoly on anything/

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Just as Jonah was surprised when Nineveh was spared the first time, so JWs may be surprised at how things play out, and the WTS has said so to that effect

  • isaacaustin

    Jonah was intent on the destruction of Ninevah- the capital of Assyria of who there was no love lost by the Jews. God relented due to Assyria's repentance. Not a correlation between the end times playing out as the WT says and reality. The point of Jonah is of repentance and God showing mercy...not if one's interpretation of events is right or wrong.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    But rememember how Jonah sulked at the end Jehovah chose to allow? are some JWs not going to also?

  • isaacaustin

    That was an issue with Jonah...and it was regarding God's relenting and Jonah fearing his own reputation, and probbaly his own desire to see their destruction. So, I guess if it played out differently than the JWs preach you could see such disappointment. Of course Jonah preached a clear message from God exactly as God gave it to him. The Wt does not.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Or, maybe the WT does, and you just don't believe it

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