I DA'd myself with a letter. (Link to my letter is in my profile.)
Pole, Please respond
by ldrnomo 75 Replies latest jw friends
WAS totally faded/inactive for ten years, but then fell in love with a baptized jw...so we're going through the whole fade process again. The elders pretty much leave me alone but they havent given up hope on the hubby
Faded 25+ years ago.
"I new someday their wood be spell check." LMAO
I escaped in 74. Never baptised and never chased. Good ol dad was an elder and with 75 around the corner you think someone would have chased me.
Idrnmo: "write, poll."
Is it 'write' or 'right'?
Witch is it?
Successful fade, never heard from them, not even a phone call.
Could be they were happy to git rid of me.
My wife and I are faders, however our cover has been blown. So we will have to see what happens.
AK - Jeff
Da'd in 2006. Wife Da'd in spirit even before I did. She holds 'inactive' status due to family. Once they are gone she will likely DA, but may not need to. They seem to leave her alone, unlike me.
White Dove
Knowbody nose.