I would like the preface my statement:There is a religion that is totally neutral in wars,neutral in Gov't, neutral in the Judiciary,however that religion is not the j.w./wbts.The reason is the wbts uses the court system to fight it's battles.As an example a court case in Canada about blood.They lost the case so now they must obey Satan's system/Gov't.They cannot now say we must obey God rather than man because they put their faith in Satan's system hoping for victory which came not.Another case in France,they did not want to pay what the Gov't asked,so they used Satan's system and lost.Why put faith in Satan system hoping you can get a short repreeve.How can they say they are neutral when they use Satan's system.Another example would be flag saluting,take it to court and lose,so now you have to salute(took God out of the picture).
How many OT examples are there that the nation of Israel went to the pagan's court.Why did not Jesus call for angelic help when he was before the court(Sanhedrin).Yes the j.w./wbts have a very narrow view of NEUTRALITY.It is not only war,it is gov't,it is the JUDICIARY as a battle ground as well.
PS:The court system has changed over the years: Look at how liberal it is today,same sex marriages,gay rights,etc, so is the wbts putting faith in the court system.It will sting them in the behind.