The wt is not neutral on any issue. To be neutral would be to have no opinion one way or another. As already mentioned the wt profited from war, that is hardly being neutral to own stock in a company that produces implements of war. If they weren't ashamed of their association with the UN they would not have disassociated themselves from the UN the day after the story ran! You can't get in bed with the harlot and not be found out at some time. Besides, jw's are the only people I know who take the UN seriously anyway, no governments do.
Neutrality- the wbts
by bobld 26 Replies latest watchtower bible
Spike Tassel
the Vatican (the Pope) DOES take the UN seriously, Canada (PM Harper) does, the US (Pres. Obama) does, and many more do, from the world news I get.
And where the validated proof that the WTS profited from war? If it's RANDCAM, that's a scam of an attempt to smear if I ever saw one!!
Lets take the money out of the equation(France).The GB\WBTS wins the court case of discrimination against J.W.(Jehovah answers the prayers of the GB/J.W. Gov't can't tax J.W. in France.
Let me illustrate( long story)
Exemplary J.W. family (Vancouver,Canada),father is a long time elder,mother is a pioneer.Their son whom I will call (AB) is 25 years old,very intelligent,started pioneering after high school.Has many privileges,been used in many demonstrations,including in dramas at D.C.
Another exemplary,Canada).Same attributes as the family above,only their son whom I will call (DC) is 28 years old.Both AB & DC are now at Canada branch Bethel.
The GB/WBTS often refer to these two as model families.Now watch this
Brother AB & DC come out of the closet as it were and are seen in the Gay Pride Parade in Toronto,Canada which is broadcast live and announce that they are getting married.They want to get married in the Bethel assembly hall and want Bro elder to marry them.
Q1 Will the GB/WBTS disfellowship Bro AB,DC?
Q2 Will the GB/J.W. allow them to use the bethel assembly hall?
Q3 Will Bro elder be allowed to marry AC<DC?
You see, if the GB/WBTS want the court in France decide not to discriminate against J.W. that is good.Now in Canada the Supreme court has ruled that you cannot discriminate against same sex marriage or sexual-orienation.
Now answer the three questions. I rest my case.
The above is a hypothetical example
hi bob
isn't that example a major problem for any christian religion that actually follows the bible? homosexuality is universally condemned by Gods word the bible. So a government deciding using those parametres is basically deciding on religious doctrine itself and ignoring the source aka bible for christians.
Jws are not members of UN only countries can be. Their status with UN was for information to help the preaching work.
oh was it really.......................
The Watchtower's Secret Alliance with the United Nations
lets end this today.....almost 10 years they were a member
I agree with you Reniaa.Case in point J.W. should not take the Blood doctrine to court.
Spike Tassel
Reniaa, you make a very good point, which is why the Supreme Court of Canada better watch itself, due to the Preamble of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, found at Now if God were properly defined as the God of the Bible, i.e. Jehovah, that would put them in a very interesting position indeed. Alas, the drafters apparently still need to be educated. Of course, with the fulfillment of Daniel 2:44 soon upon us, the world governments' claim to "sovereignty" is soon to be overruled