Is The WTS Getting Desperate for Males? KM Aug 2009

by Hopscotch 54 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • gubberningbody

    The problem is that real men don't feel the need to have someone sit down and read a simple book with them.

    "Just go ahead and leave it, and I'll let you know if I'm interested.", would have been my response.

    The thing for me was that I was dating someone at the time who was dabbling and I thought out of respect for her I ought to look at it.

    I never would have done it otherwise. Moreover I didn't "study" until I decided this was it. Then it was merely to get the business out of the way because I'd already read a lot of the books and had what I felt most of my questions answered.

    I think that sitting down with a guy who can otherwise read for himself is gay. Now I know there are reasons people are gay and that's cool, but I'm not and I don't need some schlemeil to help me understand anything. I don't enjoy hanging out with men, as I find most men to be empty headed with nothing to say and who also take too long to say what they don't know.

    No wonder I finally quit. I think we had at least two gay elders and the rest were latently gay if you ask me.

  • winstonchurchill

    SHOOT! a 2 pages article for that? Wow! It's worse than I thought.

    In our Cong we are 8 elders, and half of them are so old they look brain dead.

    3 measly MS (one too old to vene hold a mic)

    Two or three baptized teenagers, not up to standards really, definetly no MS material, but its' what we have.

    And this is in a spanish speking cong. where growth is suppossed to be bigger!

    PS: "Search for Men"; "Contact more men"... that sounds pretty gay to me (Not that there's anything wrong with that)

  • daniel-p

    "We need more dick in the Hall, sisters. Do you think the microphones are gonna carry themselves? Get cracking."

  • minimus

    All the good ones left and are here.

  • besty

    If the WTS want more men to join up and more men to move through the religious hierarchy all they have to do is publish the date of Armageddon.

    They are an end-times cult, currently without an end-time. Therefore - tricky to manage the rank and file expectations.

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Is this for real? If it hadn't been scanned and here for all to see, I would think this article was actually a spoof.

    The whole thing is based on the erroneous premise of the first line: "As the Kingdom work continues to increase in these last days..." WHAAAT? The Kingdom work is not increasing...less and less are on the corporate sales team than ever...the minions are only keeping the hall seats warm on Sundays and Thursdays, if that.

    Anyhow, it wasn't that long ago that the Society was gloating over the drop in men joining the priesthood, saying that Christendom was dying, churches were being converted into bingo halls, yada yada. Now the same thing is happening to them. They can't come right out and say it, of course. They deflect the attention from the many leaving, by couching it in terms of an urgency to recruit more because of the urgency of the end! What a joke! They can't keep the ones they have, so the recruitment of fresh meat is on, wherever they can get it. They are truly DESPERATE and it glaringly is starting to SHOW.

  • sir82
    "We need more dick in the Hall, sisters.

    In my experience, Kingdom Halls are already full of dicks....

  • startingovernow

    Yes, and I hope that any men that are studying or start in near future get a look at this article and see that any niceness shown to them was really about 1. counting time, and 2. finding a potential person to take over or share the responsibilities that are burdening those already in postitions of responsibility.

  • blondie

    I can remember being told to ask for the man of the house, to include the husband in the study with the wife right away, and to call on unbelieving husbands and start studies with them (the elders were supposed to do this). It didn't result in a single extra male in the congregation.

    *** km 11/97 p. 1 Reach Out to Non-Witness Mates ***

    It is a cause for great joy when married couples are united in true worship. However, in many families only one of the marriage mates has accepted the way of the truth. How can we reach out to these non-Witness mates and encourage them to worship Jehovah along with us?—1 Tim. 2:1-4.

    UnderstandTheirThinking: Although some non-Witness mates may be opposed, more often than not the problem is one of indifference or misunderstanding. A person may feel left out or be jealous over his or her mate’s newfound spiritual interest. "Alone in the house, I felt deserted," one husband recalls. "I felt as if my wife and children were leaving me," says another. Some men may think that they are losing their family to a religion. (See the August 15, 1990, Watchtower, pages 20-3.) That is why it is best, if possible, for the husband to be included with his wife in the home Bible study arrangement from the start.

    WorkasaTeam: One Witness couple effectively worked together in aiding married people into the truth. After the sister had established a study with the wife, the brother would pay the husband a visit. He would often be able to start a study with the husband.

    BeFriendlyandHospitable: Families in the congregation can help by taking an interest in families not yet united in true worship. A few friendly visits may help the non-Witness mate to see Jehovah’s Witnesses as warm, caring Christians who have everyone’s best interests at heart.

    From time to time, the elders can review recent efforts that have been made to reach out to non-Witness mates and determine what more can be done in hopes of winning them to Jehovah.—1 Pet. 3:1, ftn.


    There is going to be less and less available free labour for the WBT$ as time goes on..


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