The problem is that real men don't feel the need to have someone sit down and read a simple book with them.
"Just go ahead and leave it, and I'll let you know if I'm interested.", would have been my response.
The thing for me was that I was dating someone at the time who was dabbling and I thought out of respect for her I ought to look at it.
I never would have done it otherwise. Moreover I didn't "study" until I decided this was it. Then it was merely to get the business out of the way because I'd already read a lot of the books and had what I felt most of my questions answered.
I think that sitting down with a guy who can otherwise read for himself is gay. Now I know there are reasons people are gay and that's cool, but I'm not and I don't need some schlemeil to help me understand anything. I don't enjoy hanging out with men, as I find most men to be empty headed with nothing to say and who also take too long to say what they don't know.
No wonder I finally quit. I think we had at least two gay elders and the rest were latently gay if you ask me.