Is The WTS Getting Desperate for Males? KM Aug 2009

by Hopscotch 54 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jamiebowers
    "We need more dick in the Hall, sisters.
    In my experience, Kingdom Halls are already full of dicks....

    Sir82, yes, but not in a good way, (LOL)!

    Hey, maybe the campaign would work if sisters are permitted to wear dresses above the knee and the restriction on oral sex is lifted, (LOL)!

  • PrimateDave

    Double post. My bad.


  • PrimateDave

    If the End is so close as they keep insisting, then how will newly converted men have time to reach out for positions of responsibility in the congregations? They are talking out both sides of the mouth. Maybe they should encourage brothers in Hispanic congregations to move into the English speaking ones.


  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    While they can cite that the number of hours spent in the preaching is going up to support the claim that the 'work is increasing,' the efficacy of the work is decreasing. They are spending more hours in service and baptizing less people.

    Their total isolation from mainstream society, which makes them unattractive to possible new converts, is aptly demonstrated in their stubbon insistence that men are interested in different topics than women.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I've said it before: The WTS is shooting itself in the foot for ignoring 1/2 the population in concideration for more workers where the need is greatest, shepharding the congregations. They lose 1/2 the possible workforce by ignoring those that wear their reproductive organs on the inside.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    It's rediculous that they search everyone's underwear for "qualifications," because that is where the real qualification is.

    Edit: "I searched your underwear and found you to be lacking. Therefore, I spit you out of my mouth." --One of the seven congregations in Revelation didn't have enough balls.

    You are right, this does sound gay, in a bad way.

  • oompa

    if sistas get an "addadichtomy" surgery......they could help more with privledges in the congo.....and they would not even be gay legally.....this could help things.........

    seriously rampant is this lack of males and teenagers reaching out........halls are pack down south usa it seems.....where and how does it vary??........oompa

  • palmtree67

    I think what they are really looking for is "Yes-Men"........

  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes

    At the Hall that I go to there are several mature Brothers who give

    good talks, good comments, and one is even a pioneer and they are not

    even ministerial servants. They just don't want the work and extra


    Sour Grapes

  • blondie

    If you consider that:

    1) fewer young males stay in the organization, leaving at 18, sometimes not even baptized

    2) the WTS still persists in sending out mostly female jws out during the day to convert just women

    3) little "witnessing" is done in the evening or weekend afternoons, when men are more likely to be home

    4) there is a large number of male jws that have stepped down as MS and elders with no desire to "reach out" again due to their treatment

    5) there is a large number of male jws that do not want to "reach out" in the first place to be MS or elders

    6) older elders are dying or or too incapicitated to do any real work

    7) few men actually spend any time in the door to door rather running around dropping people off and picking them up.

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