- Action 1 : Tell the elders in your congregation you want to talk with all of them in the elders room ( the whole body of elders ) . Let them all know that you have found out what the Watchtower organization is hiding behind. Idolatrous roots, involvement with the occult, an N.G.O. association with the United Nations , etc . Tell the elders you are fed up with the Jehovah's Witnesses ever-changing doctrines, specifically the "Generation". Tell them you are concerned about how former Witnesses are treated with hatred and are to be considered as dead. Let them know that you are aware of how they are covering up child molesters. And by all means let them know you are discontent with the money making schemes under the name of the "Worldwide Work". Ask for a judicial committee hearing where you can discuss this in more length. If you are disfellowshipped, ask for an appeal, as this will expose more elders to the corruption in the Watchtower org anization .
- Action 2 : Write a letter of disassociation giving your reasons why you no longer want to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Give copies of your letter to all Witnesses in the Kingdom Hall, including the elders.
- Action 3 : Simply and kindly ask the elders if you could meet with them, letting them know you are a little concerned with some of the things you are finding out about in the Organization. You just want their take and their feelings on what you have been hearing. Be careful not to indict yourself. Let them know you are not "compl ai ning just explaining". In other words, come in "under their radar screen". This action, for the most part, will not cause too much trouble as the elders will simply tell you to "put it on the shelf".
- Action 4 : Do not go to any meetings, assemblies or conventions the last week in August.
- Action 5 : If you are a servant, step down. If you are a pioneer, do not turn any time in for August, 2009.
- Action 6 : Stop any financial support. During the last week in August do not put any money in any contribution box, and by all means, do not contribute for your publications.
- Action 7 : You can start this action immediately : as you are out in service ask the householders if they want the Jehovah's Witnesses to keep coming to their house? Many householders will tell you they don't want the Witnesses coming. Be glad to take their address down and during the last week of August turn this information over to the Coordinating Overseer.
- Action 8 : Do not go in service the last week in August.
- Action 9 : Peacefully demonstrate in front of your Kingdom Hall ( with signs ) the last week in August.
- Action 10 : Write anon y mous letters to as many fellow Witnesses you know and let them know that you now k no w "What The Watchtower is Hiding Behind.
My steps would be:
- Stop financial support (good idea)
- Fade
- Write letters to other dubs about false teachings/scandals, with copies of proof
- Mass writing letters to hq--with a goal of 1 million letters arriving within the same week (emphasizing pain caused by false teachings, abuse, shunning, or New Light)
- Mass writing letters to editors--with a goal of every newspaper printing at least one, simultaneously
- Mass mailing to anesthesiologists and other physicians (download from ajwrb.org)--with a goal of every physician who transfuses blood to receive education about how to handle jws, simultaneously
- Mass mailing of educational materials (download from silentlambs.org)--with a goal of every child abuse clinic to receive education about abuse in the jw cult, simultaneously
These actions could have a real impact upon the cult.