If you want to write a letter then send it to people known to you in nearby congregations (highlighting things that highlight the WT's lack of love/false prophecies etc) that specifically will appeal to them. (Anonymously if necessary)
Make August 2009 the dawn of the "mass exodus"...the beginning of the end of the Watchtower org!
by koolaid-man 55 Replies latest jw friends
Could we get a pool list going of emails and addresses that anyone thinks would be good? Could we get some recommended email addresses and post office addresses listed somewhere here for us? Some target ones, like Governing Body individuals, Bethelites, newspapers (for email or postal) ,,emails of any known elders, pioneers, any JWs of any sort. It would make it easy for some of us to chime in. Thanks.
I am game for mass-emailing. PM me if you like.
Obviously, whoever is behind this campaign hasn't been out of the WTS for very long. It is a waste of energy, money and time. On several occassions in its history, the Corporation has survived circumstances much worse than what is being proposed and they've always kept a core of braindead robots through it all.
WTWizard hit the nail on the head here. The best way to emasculate the WT Corporation is to starve it to death. That is to say, when the money shrivels up, the Corporation shrivels up.
The biggest problem facing the Corporation today is not protecting pedophiles. It is the money it has cost them to protect pedophiles. It is not apostates. It is the money lost due to members leaving because of the hard research apostates have done to expose the cult. It is not the "Churches of Christendom." They couldn't give a shit about the JW movement. It is not the Governments. It is the money lost because the Governments want to fairly tax what is clearly a religious business which attempted to scam its way out of providing for the old age of life-long Watchtower Slaves.
It is not the fact that the members are increasingly pursuing higher education against the wishes of "Mother." It is the money lost because these people soon see that the WTS positions attempt to defy genuine science, so they leave the cult.
As it has always been since the time of Charles Dazed Russell, the WT Corporation is about self-glory, power and control. Money is the grease ehivh makes that possible.
Kool Aid, you are right on.....thank you. I feel exactly as you...wanting to see a huge change, except my thoughts were slightly different. In a post in early July, I tossecd out an imaginary scenerio where the WTS actually would grant a One Day Departure from the society with no repercussions. Mass Exitus, so top speak, but more like an Amnesty day.
I also mentioned that those who were on the fence can walk away in mass numbers, taking family, friends and loved ones with them and avoid the pain of being shunned because being shunned by them wouldn't be an issue.
It s hgh time we all begin to you our hearts to guide us. Our intuitive senses tell us something is amiss and our minds keep arguing that our heart is wrong and Satan is toying with us.
Let me ask a simple question: If Satan was toying with us, and he wins, what does he get in the end? Nothing.
We are dead, right? What good are we to him dead? (Going by what we are taught).
If God is supposedly going to kill us bad people all off, then what good are we to the Devil?
I tell you, We are good to God only. Stop fearing something that cannot hurt you and has no power over you. WTS has no power over you either, other than what you ALLOW it to have. God is your Source, your Instincts, your Guide. Follow that Source, and let WTS fall by the wayside.
I am so happy to see this thread. I will be back this evening to ponder more, and see how I can help.
Here is my original thread... http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/178391/1/Watchtower-Amnesty-Day-What-If-It-Really-Happened
This is still worth consideration...anyone else have comments or ideas?
Sooooo.....what happend? Everyone chickened out again.
What's to chicken out of?
It's just another lousy idea that deserves no merit whatsoever.
I don't think such a thing will ever happen. It seems that it would take some major campaigning, not only that but I don't think that there are enough people who got the guts to do it.
Many that don't believe its the "Truth" feel that they don't have a very good reason to leave. I've talked to a number of disfellowshipped that don't believe its true but are trying to go back for the sake of family and friends. For many its just not worth it.