New World Translation, is it the best bible translation?

by littlebuddy 177 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Chalam


    One of Reniaa`s Unbiased Scholars is a Jehovah`s Witness.."Rolf Furuli"..

    I don`t think we would have to dig too deep to find dirt on the rest of them..

    Priceless Outlaw! I concur

    Rolf Furuli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    All the best,


  • bluecanary
  • TD
    Firstly there's DR Jason beduhn...

    Dr. BeDuhn disagrees with the insertion of "Jehovah" in the NWT's rendering of the NT.

    He states:

    "The inconsistency of the NW translators in not using "Jehovah" in 2 Thessalonians 1:9, 1 Peter 2:3 and 1 Peter 3:15 shows that interpretation rather than a principle of translation is involved in deciding where to use "Jehovah."

    "Once we recognize that interpretation is involved, and see three examples where this interpretation has led the translators not to use "Jehovah," we must wonder if they have been correct to use it in all seventy of those other occurrences."

    --Don't invoke authorities with whom you disagree with. It's not intellectually honest.

    "Do you know how to read Koine Greek? If not, then you have no basis to render an opinion, other than to rely on other people who do read Koine Greek." --BeDuhn

  • coffee_black

    Well, Reniaa, your list of scholars who approve is the NWT is starting to lose credibility. Not the scholars themselves...but the wt using them as references. Another scholar, Joseph Mante, threatened to sue the wt when they used his name to support the NWT. They had taken his words out of context, changing the meaning of his statement.


  • reniaa

    hi finally free

    I did the list knowing they would be used to try and bring further ill-repute on the NWT but I felt you deserve me to try and offer the info you asked.

    If I tried to do a translation of the original greek or hebrew not knowing the languages It would simply be gobbledee gook.

    look at people trying to say elohim is plural they simply haven't bothered to learn the gramatical rules of hebrew to know it is absolutely singular in usage when refering to the true God and magnifyingy his supremeness in intent.

    I can have a NWT and another translation together and other than the obvious doctrinal issues the fluidity is there between them both.

    Like I said we are confusing doctrinal theological dislike with actual ability to translate from one language to another.

    John 1:1 is a doctrinal debate so is cross v stake. So is grace v underserved kindness.

    What is obvious is people on here would rather keep to the fallacy argument over credentials when the proof of the NWT is in it's actual content. Which people are clearly avoiding discussing.

    Well if no one is willing to discuss specific translation issues, i'll leave you to poring over various scholars words lol because they won't be effected theologically at all, will they?!!.


  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    the best translation is the one that helps each of us the best in living a wholesome life

  • coffee_black

    If I tried to do a translation of the original greek or hebrew not knowing the languages It would simply be gobbledee gook.

    Which is why the translators of the NWT have produced a translation that is not accurate. If you don't know who translated the NWT and thier credentials, how do you know they did not produce gobbeldygook? By the way Fred Franz had only 2 years of linguistic training, and it was not in the ancient forms of those languages. His is the only name aledged to be on the translation committee.


  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    when we find the actual originals, we can THEN prove which is the best Bible translation, and NOT before

  • reniaa

    lol coffee

    does it read as gobbledee gook? Of cause not! it taking cognitive dissonance on your part to a massive degree if you can persuade youselves when you read the fluid but basic wording of the NWT and say it is gobbledegook. When it is clearly a fluent but theologically debated translation.

    another lol is who are these scholars you put so much store by? and you guys critisise me as a witness following the GB as overseers. When you guys believe as gospel anything someone with a PHD after their name says.

    When I judge a bible translation I compare a few together, I use biblegate online for comparisons and have 4 different bibles at my home I know the NWT is a good translation from my own personal research not becasue I listen to just what the Jws say or indeed what anyone with a college degree says (I recommend anyone do this for themselves).


  • designs

    The Committee had access to some fine libraries like the American Bible Society. Mostly they cross compared what they were doing with previous works like the American Standard, Rotherham, and Smith/Goodspeed and made a conscious decision to go against the grain of the KJV.

    Some of todays modern "Loose translations" read smoother.

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