Does anyone here have any Catholic experience or have friends who are Catholic? Although I'm Wiccan all the way, I'm still checking things out and would like input about it.
Catholicism--Curious About It
by White Dove 64 Replies latest jw friends
I am Catholic. I converted two years ago. A good resource for info is or for an ex-jw viewpoint
If you have specific questions, I am happy to share.
White Dove
Thank you! I checked out a Dummies book on Catholicism. I do wonder what turns XJW's to that religion. I have friends who are Catholic and my curiosity is getting the best of me.
eyes wide shut
I am a 3rd gen exJW and I converted to Catholicism. But I chose the Eastern route. Not many people are aware that there are two separate communions in the Catholic faith. There is the Roman Cathoic faith and the Eastern Orthodox Faith. We belong to the same church but have been out of communion for almost 1000 years. There is a big history behind it. You may want to search online information about the Orthodox church. Bear in mind that the Roman Catholic faith and the Orthodox faith is the ONLY two communites that recognize that BOTH have VALID, all seven sacraments. Outside this all are invalid. It is the Church Christ established in Mat 16:18.
To my knowledge there is only 4 exJW's that have converted to Orthodoxy, this includes myself. I believe the Orthodox church has upheld the traditions better than the Romans. But it is you that must decide.
Not many people know about Orthodoxy. We are the first church established by Peter in Antioch. Peter was in Antioch 8 years before he went to Rome.
Please research church history. There you will discover many truths. And if I may recommend study the church fathers. It is there you will be able to discern the original church established by the Lord Jesus Christ.
Peace to you
I have been to an Orthodox mass as part of a course I took in college. They were very friendly and talked to me for an hour after about our shared and then seperate histories. Very interesting and enjoyable.
Catholicism is an interesting religion. BTS is Catholic. You might want to talk to him.
I don't care much for the Orthodox though. No insult meant.
White Dove,
I was raised Roman Catholic, taught by the Dominicans and Franciscans up through the eighth grade. I became a JW as a young adult. I left the JWs in my mid 40s. Spent a lot of time back in various non-Catholic Churches, such as Baptist, Presbyterian, Christian Reform, Assembly of God, Pentecostal, etc. Then, did nothing for a few years ... then tried Eastern/Greek Orthodox ... and what Eyes Wide Shut said is about accurate. I still have some agreement with Orthodox on certain points. I reconciled with the Roman Catholic Church a little over three years ago. In 1965 the Patriarch of Constantinople and the Pope at that time, set aside the main differences, and the two communions have been working toward reunification. They are the same faith, but not in full communion. The topic requires one to follow the actual history of Christian development, and not get sucked into post-modernism fast track views that somehow the Bible fell from heaven, and all one needs is to read it, and presto, one is Christian ... but, that does not mean that Catholics or Orthodox judge those outside their communions ... rather, love, acceptance, and recognition that God deal with each person individually, is at the root of the Catholic-Orthodox communion. So, ask away.
I will check in for your threads, or you can PM me on this site, or, you can email me at [email protected] if you want to get into specific concerns and questions. - Jim
I'm a re-vert to Catholicism. You can read my story at the following link:
My wife is Catholic. It certainly lacks any qualities which would make it a high-control or cult-like religion....which is certainly a good thing.
All I know is the JWs paint a very, very dim picture of the Catholics. JWs think they know everything about Catholicism, but in reality they know extremely little. It's not what I expected.
I am a convert. There is plenty of information about it online at the links above by Rocky_Girl. Catholicism is extremely broad and deep and has something for everybody. I personally know practicing Catholics at my church that are involved in everything from teaching yoga to doing genetic research. There are many ways you can develop your spirituality that have long traditions in Catholicsm. The forums at are especially good, since a wide variety of questions and issues are discussed. As for what little I know about the Orthodox, they seem extremely appealing also, and some of their teaching makes a lot of sense to me as well. Let me remind also, that the Roman Catholic Church is not the only Catholic Church. There are several Eastern Catholic Churches also, with many differences in their liturgy and history because of centuries of isolation, but we are all part of the larger Church. Some are quite similar to the Orthodox, while being in communion with the western Church.