I'm a visual person and love trappings like ceremonies, rituals, and special clothes and tools. I want to get a Rosary and learn out to use it to do affirmations and blessings. It's visual and kenesthenic (sic). I guess what I mean is that I like as many senses involved as possible. I wonder if they make Rosaries with Celtic crosses.
Catholicism--Curious About It
by White Dove 64 Replies latest jw friends
I'm a visual person and love trappings like ceremonies, rituals, and special clothes and tools.
There is nothing wrong with this. We were created with physical bodies. We have physical needs. We relate to spiritual things better with physical things. Matter is not evil. It came from the same Creator as the Spirit.
I want to get a Rosary and learn out to use it to do affirmations and blessings.
I have learned from experience that the Rosary is a very powerful prayer. But you must concentrate your mind on holy things when you do the Decades and recall the Mysteries. It is not an excersise for the mouth, but for the spirit and mind. I have a peaceful spot I cleared in the woods behind my house that is perfect for this meditation. Lately, I do the Divine Mercy Chaplet with my Rosary. It is shorter for when I am pressed for time. I pray over my son with my Rosary, and bless him with holy water.
I wonder if they make Rosaries with Celtic crosses.
Of course they do!
I was baptised in the Catholic church and raised in a Catholic school (of the Chartusian order) before I became a JW (age 13). I naturally (?) went to Protestantism from the JWs but often attended Catholic services. I can still enjoy the liturgy once in a while.
I often thought my "ideal" compromise would be Lutheran (a more middle-ages kind of liturgy and theology, plus J.S. Bach :)). But I was not in a Lutheran region...
Karl Barth said that Bach is what they play in the presence of God. Mozart is for when the Angels are on break.
Remember " Religion is A Snare & a Racket"
I use to reply to Barth with Cioran: "J'ai dit que Dieu doit tout à Bach. Sans Bach, Dieu serait un personnage de troisième ordre. La musique de Bach est l'unique raison de penser que l'Univers n'est pas un désastre total. Avec Bach tout est profond, réel, rien n'est feint. Le compositeur nous inspire des sentiments que ne peut pas nous donner la littérature, parce que Bach n'a rien à voir avec le langage. Sans Bach je serais un parfait nihiliste."
"I said God owes everything to Bach. Without Bach, God would be a third-rate character. Bach's music is the only reason to think that the universe is not a complete disaster. With Bach everything is deep, real, nothing is faked. The composer inspires feelings to us that literature cannot, because Bach has nothing to do with language. Without Bach I would be a perfect nihilist."
I think I am playing my Bach collection when I get home tonight.
White Dove
Thank you, BTS:)
I think religion is a snare and a racket if you practice it that way. I'm in the process of custom making my own faith and practice in making the truth my own by touch and feel and trial and error. That is how, I believe, that you make the truth your own, by researching and feeling it out. In the JW's and other cults and religions, they make it for you and you'd better comply. I can't so I don't try.
White Dove,
The Rosary is a very peaceful and contemplative prayer. It is easy to memorize and has helped me to get through many hard spiritual questions as I meditated on them while praying.
My 6 year old says it every night before bed and my 3 year old has started imitating. You don't have to be Catholic to do it or enjoy the benefits of meditation.
Hope you enjoy. Here is a link to a site where you can download an audio of it to help you. Peace be with you.
I went to a neighbor's son's first communion. I appreciated the way the priest interacted with the children (walked up and spoke with them). I liked the "peace greeting". Then the priest said something that really set me back. He said that the most important thing that a priest can do- the main reason a person becomes a priest- is to change the host into the literal body and blood of Christ.
I was floored. Not building hospitals, not feeding the poor, not serving as a sanctuary for those who have none, not defending the sanctity of life- nothing real. Changing bread and wine into the literal body and blood of Christ!! The pretend stuff is the most important!!
That did it for me. I enjoy the ancient ritual, but ignoring the real in favor of the imaginary was just too much!