Post a Picture Thread - Nice to Meet You !

by flipper 2310 Replies latest members private

  • Hope4Others

    Nice to see you troubled mind, nice picture of you..

    Now Horrible life, my goodness holding out on us for so long....nice picture!

    And the picture moving on the fence that is so cool................

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    My love and undeserved kindness toward you all prohibits a posting of my likeness:

    "For no one can see God at any time and yet live ..."

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Troubled Mind, very nice to see you!! Nice pic! You look very familiar. But, I seem to be able to spot a JW a mile off.
    I will be working on a patient, and think, "they look and act like a JW". Look over at their chart, and I am surprised how often I am right.

  • calico

    Yes, troubled mind looks familiar! We don't live too far apart--I had most likely seen you at assemblies!

  • flipper

    HORRIBLE LIFE- What a nice picture ! You look good lurking in front of the White House there . Did security hassle you ? LOL!

    TROUBLED MIND- What a nice anniversarry picture ! You and hubby look good ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    thanks for the kind remarks .......

    Horrible ,when I saw your picture I thought you looked very familiar too ,I can't put my finger on who you remind me of though I'm working on it ...

    Calico I bet we have run into each other at conventions too , probably the mothers room all those yrs ago !

  • Lucky Calamity
    Lucky Calamity

    Well, you know you belonged to a cult, or that your loved ones do, when you feel a sense of dread at opening your anonymity on a site like this. I'll probably delete this later, but here I am on a little non-jw family outing, back in May:

    If I need to go to photopukit, I'm not gonna. Maybe this'll work

    screw it

  • flipper

    My good friend Awakened at Gilead and myself when he came out to visit last winter.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Hey HL I have a pic with me and sweetface standing in the same spot lol

    Here's one from today taken at the beach

  • flipper

    Here is a picture of Mrs. Flipper and myself looking over the valley my son and his lady lived in at Oregon last fall. They have since moved back to California - but thought you'd enjoy the pretty view from this cliff ! Peace out indeed !


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