Here is one of Mrs. Flipper and myself at Lake Tahoe recently ! Had lots of fun with some board members up there !
Post a Picture Thread - Nice to Meet You !
by flipper 2310 Replies latest members private
I can get my picture to load properly on here!!! what am I doing wronge????
duh - goofed up above. It took a while for me to figure out how to do this, had to finally call in techie young-un. Since we were df'd a month ago, I guess there is no need to be anonymous. So here we are in Las Vegas last June. Outside of the "O" show they want to take your pic, so we go for it. Later, when you exit you have these lovely photoshopped, soft focus pics to buy - and of course, being the suckers we are, we did! Photoshopped and kind of cheesy or not, its still the best pic of me in recent years. Gotta love that soft focus.
whoknows and DNCall aka Frank and Barbara Kavelin
WHO KNOWS & DN CALL- How nice to see you in person ! You are a nice looking couple ! Isn't freedom great ? Wonderful to not be in fear anymore . My wife and I have really enjoyed you and your husbands experiences of exiting the cult. Hang in there, keep your chin up - it gets easier with time . We are glad you got out and are contributing to the board here ! Good for you ! Peace out , Mr. Flipper
just popping in to say hi!!
CRAZYBLONDEB- Hey Shell- How are you ? My wife and I have been thinking about you lately. We'll have to talk sometime soon . Hope things are well for you. We've been busy as ever ! Tryin' to make money and stay ahead of the wolves ! If you know what I mean ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I think that's how many martinis I had with Barb and Frank the other Beautiful pic you guys...beautiful inside and out.
Barbie Doll
This is what I look like.
Priest73----You don't have a Picture on facebook.
Flipper you and Mrs Flipper just look so right together.