HOPSCOTCH- What a very nice thing of you to say ! Why thank you ! We feel right together as well ! An E-harmony perfect match
Post a Picture Thread - Nice to Meet You !
by flipper 2310 Replies latest members private
LILLITH 26- What a great photo of you, your brother, and your son ! All 3 of you are beautiful people ! Very nice family ! Thanks for sharing
Don't you know your not suposed to eat cake, it might be pagan somewhere!
four candles
OK,here's anothe rone of me,early. Taken about 1984. That bike was my pride and joy,wish I'd never got rid of it.
FOUR CANDLES - A very nice picture of you !
LEOLAIA- Very nice pictures of you. You are an attractive woman. You have a nice smile ! I assume your " Some Guy " friend posts on this board as well due to the link ? Good pictures ! Thanks
Bumble Bee
I recently went white water rafting on the Ocoee River in TN. Class III and IV rapids, was sooooo much fun can't wait to do it again!
BUMBLE BEE- That must have been a blast t go whitewayer rafting ! I've never tried it. I'll have to some time.
Here is a picture of Mr. Flippers son and his girlfriend on a hiking trip 2 years ago.
Mr. Flipper and his son fishing on a high Sierra mountain lake last summer.