It's ok, it's just Mastodon, it's probably a post that should stay lost.
Can we blame our ancestors for our own shortcomings?
by undercover 443 Replies latest jw friends
I've stayed out of this entire thread until now...and some of you may say..... you should have stayed out completely........
I wasn't real thrilled with Snowbirds suggestions, but....on the other hand .....I do love Snow.
I'm a whitey, although my anscestors were not involved with the slave trade.
In fact, My Great grandfather was an orphan and sold into slavery from New York to farmers in the Dakotahs. He ran from the abuse, and survived on his own at a very young age.
Do I agree with Snows, but I appreciate who she is just the same.
It's ok, it's just Mastodon, it's probably a post that should stay lost.
hey... HEY!!!
you should be able to see it now, if not I can post it again... you know you want to read it!
Mini, I do not think or believe that you believed what you said about blacks and crackhouses. I totally got it....I am not Sylvia. You should know me better than that.
Our history is not there to bring blame, but to bring understanding. It does not wash away accountability, but may spark compassion.
Do I agree with Snows, but I appreciate who she is just the same.
As I appreciate you. Thanks
I totally got it....I am not Sylvia. You should know me better than that.
You certainly are not Sylvia. Sylvia doesn't wear two hats.
:I stated that they did pick up on this logic and capitalized on the mistreatment of their ancestors by opening Federally sanctioned gambling houses.
When I was doing some consulting in Palm Springs, I learned that the land in the area was like a checkerboard. Every other section of land was owned privately, and the other sections were owned by the local Indians, who, in turn leased the land. They made hundreds of millions of dollars per year on the revenue from the land leases.
One day someone pointed out Bob Hope's huge round house on the side of a mountain and nearby was another mansion almost as big as Hope's. I was told that (and other) mansions on that mountain were owned by the local tribal leaders who lived like kings.
I said, what about the rank and file Indians in this valley? How well are they doing? "They are still living in poverty," I was told.
The same is true with the gambling casinos as many documentaries have pointed out. While that is not universally true, the problem is endemic, due to the selfish greed of human nature.
People need to take care of themselves. Neither the government nor their leaders give a rat about them.
Does Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton or Al Gore or John Edwards or Ted Kennedy share any of their wealth with their followers? Don't bet on it.
I said, what about the rank and file Indians in this valley? How well are they doing? "They are still living in poverty," I was told.
The same is true with the gambling casinos as many documentaries have pointed out. While that is not universally true, the problem is endemic, due to the selfish greed of human nature.
People need to take care of themselves. Neither the government nor their leaders give a rat about them.
Does Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton or Al Gore or John Edwards or Ted Kennedy share any of their wealth with their followers? Don't bet on it.
Farkel, I noticed that while growing up.
I've mentioned several times on here that our mother "farmed" us out to various landowners to help them gather their crops - mostly cotton.
These were Black people who had managed to buy a little piece of land. We (all 12 of us) were exceptionally bright and hard-working kids. Did the landowners encourage or show us how to pool our little money and buy our own land and equipment?
Of course not! They wanted us to continue to labor for them for almost nothing.
I'm not saying this to garner pity; I'm not blaming anyone; the going was hard, but we were able to overcome by our own initiative.
Yet, I will continue to point out how our ancestors' enslavement had a negative impact on our lives.
PS The part I highlighted in red really shows your heart.
keyser soze
Yet, I will continue to point out how our ancestors' enslavement had a negative impact on our lives.
I don't think anyone is disputing that point. The issue is whether or not that provides any sort of excuse or justification for despicable behavior. If not, then why even bring it up on a thread about a man found guilty of torturing and killing animals.
I never mentioned that Vick's behavior should be condoned, excused, or justified.
I merely pointed out how the brutality of slavery has a bearing on his - and other Blacks' - negative behavior.
Brutality begets brutality.