Can we blame our ancestors for our own shortcomings?

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    How Does Slavery Benefit White People Today? By Luke Visconti

    ©DiversityInc. Reproduction in any format is absolutely prohibited.

    In what has become the most popular area of, Luke Visconti offers readers the opportunity to confidentially ask questions regarding diversity. Luke is one of two business partners who own and run DiversityInc. He directs all editorial and circulation functions.


    Call me whatever you like, but please elaborate on how slavery DIRECTLY benefits me today.

    This line of reasoning does not appear to be logically sound without further explanation.

    Your answer makes me want to scream as no argument was made to convince me of anything except as a white person, I am either ignorant or bigoted.


    Please don't scream; I can personally testify that ignorance is curable.

    The legacy of slavery has benefited every white person in this country--directly and personally. In a very gross analogy, if you run a series of foot races over 300 years but prevent 13 percent of the participants from learning how to run for 180 years and then give them concrete sneakers for another 80 years--but allow them full access for 40 years, it will take the 13 percent quite a few races to be competitive because the other 87 percent advanced their skills by practice and repetition.

    Life is not a foot race, but it is a fact that the average white person would not economically benefit from switching places with an average black person (black households average one-tenth the household wealth of white households). If you believe all people are created equal, there has to be a reason for this--and there is: racism.

    The first slaves were brought to this country in the 1600s. After slavery ended in 1865 (the Emancipation Proclamation did not free slaves in the North) and until the 1960s, African Americans lived under laws that overtly discriminated against them. In 1960, most African Americans could not vote and had practically no access to higher education. Although the Civil Rights and Voting Rights acts (1964 and 1965, respectively) addressed the legal issues, and legislation like the CRA opened banking to red-lined areas, programs to eliminate disparities have proved to not be adequate.

    Before somebody e-mails me with the old canard of "Nobody in my family ever owned a slave," I'd like to retire that excuse with a personal example: Generations ago, my ancestors fled the horrible conditions in their home countries to establish families in the United States. It was never much of a question as to whether or not we could pick wherever we wanted to live, have access to college or get a mortgage. If my family suffered under generations of knowing that those doors were closed, it would take generations more to overcome that lack of family know-how. In essence, my family zipped right past people whose families were here long before mine. I never even questioned that Rutgers would be open to accepting my application, that the Navy would send me to flight school or that McGraw-Hill or Time Warner would hire me--and that when I was there I would be in the vast majority (there were less than 3 percent people of color in both publications I worked for). I never doubted my ability to start a company and had plenty of friends to mentor me along the way.

    If you go back to people being created equally, it is just math that a percentage of our country's greatest minds were eliminated from the competition simply by fact of skin color, and by extension their families were denied the head-start of their accomplishments. Every white person benefits from this--even people who arrived to the United States yesterday.

    Unfortunately, this has hurt our country dramatically. If you caught black households up to white household wealth, it would be the equivalent of injecting the entire GDP of Japan into our economy. Who would benefit? Mostly white people, as the majority would manufacture the goods and services purchased with the "new" wealth.

    The good news is that many white people remembered and unremembered have done their duty and fought for freedom. White guys can take pride in fellow white guys like Washington, Franklin, Garrison, Lincoln and Lyndon B. Johnson (among others). Our country may be imperfect, but our human rights are still the guiding beacon of opportunity for most of the rest of the planet.

    Readers' Comments

    Posted: Monday, Apr 13, 2009
    How Does Slavery Benefit White People Today?

    I understand where you are coming from with your 180 years behind in the race example. The problem I have with it, however, is that it can be used forever as a reason why any particular person of color is "behind" in the race. At some point, this can no longer be used as an exlanation. You used an overarching I will use a much shorter, but equally valid, one. Consider my daughter having a terrible math teacher early in her education, one who denies her all access to mathematical content for whatever reason (the reason does not matter at all). Years later, can she still "blame" any math trouble on tha teacher? No. If she does, she will never get caught up. After that single incident, she had all the same opportunities as other children. Fair? No. This may seem silly to some of you, but the percentages work out smilarly. Think of the number of minutes sent with that math teacher compared with the number of minutes with every other. A large number of most talented people of color that I have seen do not talk about disadvantages they have, but things they have done to rise up to their potential. In my opinion, the time has come to work hard and pull yourself up. I have been personally been discriminated against because I am white. It was told to my face, directly, after several interviews that I was more qualified that every other candidate for a job, but I wasn't "representative" of the local population. I was told this by an African American. I took it as far as I could, but it seems the system acceps this. That is racism. I could use that rejection to take blame any problems I have had with my career, but what good would that do? Where are people who think like you when I need sticking up for in that situation? You KNOW it could never happen the other way around and not make headlines if it was said so direclty. Do you somehow think, in a dimented way, that I deserved that or that it was fair? I have never found (yet) a "diversity expert" that could think beyond their own skewed vision of today's world.

    D K
    Posted: Thursday, Apr 23, 2009
    How Does Slavery Benefit White People Today?

    My comment to DK would be - are you actually comparing minutes with a bad math teacher to hundreds of years of slavery and racism? You have GOT TO BE KIDDING??!!!

    Posted: Monday, Apr 27, 2009
    How Does Slavery Benefit White People Today?

    DK, your response shows your lack of understanding what had just been explained to you, and the analogy that was used.

    In your analogy concerning your daughter's supposed math problem, your daughter could not use the same excuse about the bad teacher because she had the opportunity to seek other teachers. She was white. You assume that Blacks had the same opportunity. Whites didn't even want Blacks to read, so who did they turn to to teach them more than they were trying to learn in dark corners, with lack of material, and the pending death penalty if caught TRYING to learn?You were just told about progression being withheld from Blacks. I guess Diversity's analogy should have been simpler (as if it could have been).

    It's responses like yours that continue to bring back memory of "Black Wallstreet" the mass murders of prosperous Blacks because Whites were jealous of their prosperity, and the lynchings in the south (and north), the so called "picnics" (pic-a n_____r to lynch), and many many more atroscities inflicted on Black people.

    So, tell me, how did being discriminated against feel? It's belittling isn't it?

    These are questions that I'm sure Blacks could elaborate on fluently, since White America has spent centuries discriminating and belittling them.

    The Bible says that, "...the sins of the fathers are visited upon their children".

    Welcome the the great American way.

    Anita Martin
    Posted: Sunday, Jun 21, 2009
    How Does Slavery Benefit White People Today?

    When I pull into my minimum wage job, and have to lift the hood of my Hyundai with 170,000 to cool it off. As a white man, I must wonder how I benefit from something that happen 150 years ago. But then again, as a white male I obviously wear blinders and as one supposed reader pointed out I'm "Afraid of losing my dominance"

    George Waring
    Posted: Sunday, Jun 21, 2009
    How Does Slavery Benefit White People Today?

    Maybe you could afford a better car if you spent less time writing ignorant emails and more time at the library.

    Luke Visconti, CEO of DiversityInc
    Posted: Thursday, Jun 25, 2009
    How Does Slavery Benefit White People Today?

    I have come to something of a conclusion about slavery, it wasn't done away with because it was the right thing to do, but more because it was to expensive for the capitalists of this country. I realize at first blush this sounds rather crazy, but what happens in reconstruction makes me believe it is reasonable to think this is the case. One example I found suggested there was value in slaves and the owners didn't want to lose that value if something should happen. Slaves were never used as firemen on paddle wheel boats on the Mississippi because if the boiler blew, there would be an even great economic loss that the boat, your slaves might be killed! It was much simpler to hire Irishmen to fire your boilers, if they got killed you weren't out anything. What we have now is wage slavery. It fits that if all working people are treated far worse than slaves there is money to be made! So, with the end of the civil war, reconstruction created the business of share cropping, it didn't matter if the share cropper starved to death trying to make a living on his land, the other half of the share would always make money at his expense. I guess my first thoughts are we need to stop thinking about this situation as a we/they battle, we have been thrown together and now are treated the same, badly. Keeping the arguement about those who suffered under slavery and those who did not, colors the issues and creates devisiveness. We need to get beyond that and start looking at how we can work together to stop this business of those with money abusing their workers Black, White Hispanic, it makes no difference.

    Steve Hanken
    Posted: Monday, Jul 06, 2009
    How Does Slavery Benefit White People Today?

    I would just like to compliment DK on such an educated response and analogies to people who either are still in denial or just simply do not know their history or both. You are dynamic. I enjoyed reading your response to the fullest. My thoughts are so much like yours, but I don't believe I could say them as eloquet as you. Thanks!!! CM

    Charlene Mooring
    Posted: Monday, Jul 13, 2009
    How Does Slavery Benefit White People Today?

    LMAO slavery has been around for thousand s of years, as we all know, yet all people in this country can seem to do is focus only on black slaves and white slave owners. How bout focusing on the future because it would seem to me that plenty of people have died on both sides of the American slavery issue, wheres the benefit in that? We have a lot more freedoms being taken away from us, EVERY DAY the constitution is being changed and morphed and diluted to where pretty soon we'll all truly be slaves. Wake up people, the constitution is everyones true and equal FREEDOM. The constitution protects EVERYONE in this country. So in my humble opinion we should all try to move forward as a nation of freedom lovers and instead of pouring energy into arguments like this one, lets start working together. I mean, after all I'd say an African American President says a lot about how far we've come as a nation, especially in the last 50 years.

    A S
    Posted: Thursday, Jul 16, 2009
    How Does Slavery Benefit White People Today?

    Everyone wants to just wipe the slate clean and call everyone Americans without atonement for the racially based sins of this country.

    Reconciliation starts with the US government, acting on behalf of its populus issuing a sincere and meaningful apology for enslaving stolen, bought and otherwise procured Africans and their progeny.

    Decent people apologize for their wrongs before expecting to be forgiven.

    man Isreal
    Posted: Tuesday, Jul 21, 2009
    How Does Slavery Benefit White People Today?

    The benefit has been material, however the psychological legacy is even greater. Today when we look at our young people the affect has taken a toll. The old are are dying out very quickly and the young are not able to carry the banner of racial superiority. Those who practiced this atrocity their children are experiencing poverty today on many levels. You see justice is like a pendulum and it is on its way back. Just look and you will see.

    janan webb

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    I never mentioned that Vick's behavior should be condoned, excused, or justified.

    For the record, I believe you that you weren't attempting to justify his actions. However, you must be willing to concede how your initial post on the thread might have read that way to others. This will be my last word on the matter. Peace.

  • mrsjones5

    "32 Flavors"

    squint your eyes and look closer
    I'm not between you and your ambition
    I am a poster girl with no poster
    I am thirty-two flavors and then some
    and I'm beyond your peripheral vision
    so you might want to turn your head
    cause someday you're going to get hungry
    and eat most of the words you just said

    both my parents taught me about good will
    and I have done well by their names
    just the kindness I've lavished on strangers
    is more than I can explain
    still there's many who've turned out their porch lights
    just so I would think they were not home
    and hid in the dark of their windows
    til I'd passed and left them alone

    and god help you if you are an ugly girl
    course too pretty is also your doom
    cause everyone harbors a secret hatred
    for the prettiest girl in the room
    and god help you if you are a pheonix
    and you dare to rise up from the ash
    a thousand eyes will smolder with jealousy
    while you are just flying back

    I'm not trying to give my life meaning
    by demeaning you
    and I would like to state for the record
    I did everything that I could do
    I'm not saying that I'm a saint
    I just don't want to live that way
    no, I will never be a saint
    but I will always say

    squint your eyes and look closer
    I'm not between you and your ambition
    I am a poster girl with no poster
    I am thirty-two flavors and then some
    And I'm beyond your peripheral vision
    So you might want to turn your head
    Cause someday you might find you're starving
    and eating all of the words you said

  • mrsjones5


  • mrsjones5
  • mrsjones5
  • mrsjones5
  • mrsjones5
  • mrsjones5
  • Mastodon

    Josie, did you by any chance wanted to say: Pikachú?

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