Lola28..Your right..Some lunatics will believe the JW religion caused her mental illness..They are as crazy as she is......
I was thinking of sane people when I wrote the post..
by the research lady 42 Replies latest jw friends
Lola28..Your right..Some lunatics will believe the JW religion caused her mental illness..They are as crazy as she is......
I was thinking of sane people when I wrote the post..
I'm from San Antonio and this is the first time that I've read or heard that she was a JW. Maybe this is incorrect. If she really was in any way associated with the JW's they would have said something in the local news or local websites. Plus I would have heard something from my boyfriends psychoitoc pioneer mother.
Anyway...she's in need of some major help. It's so sad about what happened to her baby.
does being a jehovahs witness make you crazy or do only crazy people become jehovahs witnesses? .............that is the question
If she had been , say a Baptist,, do you all think her religion would have even been mentioned in the artical? I really don't think so. Being a Witness is not the problem here,, she is mentally sick.
of course there is no relation between having a mental illness and being a JW, what gets me is the "Jehovah's happy people" song and dance the JWs like to do. like god watches over them especially and specifically.
when all is good and well, jehovah is watching over, when shit hits the fan they like to throw around the "unforseen circumstances befall everyone" bible verse, they are always speaking out of both corners of their mouths
Agree w/ Blondie & Purps - schizophrenia and post partum depression has NOTHING, repeat NOTHING to do with being a JW. This kind of insinuation irritates the hell out of me. It's irresponsible, sensationalistic and does absolutely nothing but confirm that "apostates" are "lying" and closes the minds and eyes of JWs who potentially could open their minds to cult they are in. IT. DOES.NOT.HELP.
Is this a harmful mind-controlling organization? Absolutely. And those of us who are quietly working in the background to help those who are exiting are well aware of it. But these kind of off-the-wall blatantly ridiculous insinuations do far more harm than good. My dearest wish would be that these sensationalist and misleading "conference calls" would stop.
There. I've said it. I've avoided these threads and putting this out here for over a year now. Flame away.
I totally agree with blondie on this one. Most people don't have a clue how people with mental illness act, react and think. I know very little about it but I did have an experiance with my youngest brother who had one bad ass trip after what we believe was caused by "magic mushrooms". He was only 16 at the time but was he ever messed up for several weeks! When I visited him in a hospital and talked to him, he talked to invisibles and asked me if I seen people that weren't there. He was never "JW" nor did he ever study with "JW". We know very little how human mind reacts in these type of scenarios but people are not themselves, many times don't have any recollection of the events that took place. As much as I hate WT$ I can't point fingers at these pricks for what the woman did to her baby.
As comeo-d said, there is no point of having "misleading conference calls" which just makes people view "apostates" as wack jobs just as many of us view GB as scum. There has to be a seperation between reality of WT$ deception and the fantasy that people try to make WT$ to be. There is enough facts that we shouldn't have to make every small incident(not talking about the above news) be blamed on WT$ as not to look like bunch of uneducated, hateful, full of lies people that WT$ loves to potray us as.
just my 2 cents
Although I don't believe that postpartum/schizophrenia etc caused by being a JW, I do know born in JW's that grew up sleeping with one eye open because of the demons they believed were coming into their rooms to infiltrate their whole being. I have also been with JW's that speak of demons coming to visit them and how they have to fight with the demons by chanting Jehovah over and again...I've been with them when they talk in their sleep having been warned to wake them up because that means they are fighting the demons. JW's have a morbid fear of demons having been taught that they exist in things like second hand furniture and smurfs...and it is not to be laughed at or ignored.
Nobody that I know who's not a Witness ever talks about demons coming to visit them or fighting them physically...most normal people grow up recognizing a bad dream for what it is.
So while I don't believe that JW's cause mental illness as we understand it, I do believe that some forms of mental instability are further exacerbated by the teachings of death, doomsday, end of time, demons and abandonment by shunning. It all adds up and when one thinks of it - someone who is not tied to an extremist religion and commits the same crime, has no reasoning except to say that they did it - a person who is fuelled by religious extremism most often talks first about satan telling them to do it. Shifting the thought process...sammieswife.
After reading all the posts, I don't think there is enough in the news yet regarding the destructive tendencies of this cult or any of the other cults out there. The way to get peole to be cautious about their affiliation is by exposure...her religion was simply mentioned. If she was Baptist and that was an issue as it is in some other cases that I've read regarding infidelity ext, then so be it. The WTS doesn't mince words when it chooses to expose other religions except theirs, as promoting loose moral conduct - perhaps the lack of support and education about mental illness within the WTS needs to be addressed just like the pedophilia issue so that the public can understand. Maybe then, there will be some articles in the publications and talks by the elders that address the problems and some support and encouragement to get help.
I don't think the religion has been sensationalized at all.
I've had a lot of personal experience with mental illness - environment can definitely play a role in the outcome as it includes things like education and support. In this woman's case it sounds like post partum psychosis - being a JW would not have caused it, however, whether or not it added to the problem will probably never be known. sammieswife.
Imbalanced, unstable, nutjobs, lunatics, crazy, these are great terms to describe those who know the problems, evils, dangers of the Watchtower org. and remain hidden and are afraid to come out and overtly speak up. Many here claim the Watchtower has no mental affects on innocent Jehovah's Witnesses or those connected with Jehovah's Witnesses who are "driven over the edge". The very ones crying foul and claiming that the Watchtower's doctrines, policies, and procedures cannot be directly linked to causing Witnesses to "snap" may also be suffering from some form of mental condition. Rather than "stand tall" "speak loud and clear" and let the whole world know what this organization is doing to people, they prefer to berate, belittle, and undermine the efforts of those trying to bring people out of this organization and stop others from coming in. These ridiculers are still frightened, and deathly afraid of the Watchtower and what it might do to them. Such ones should discuss this fear with trained professionals and see if the very thing they deny is happening with them. Quietly hiding in cyberspace, ready to "jump down anyones throat" for stepping up to bat and alerting thousands of people on a new format via telephone conference call is not helping the goal we all have of exposing the Watchtower org. If such ones are fearful, confused, disturbed, by the Organization finding out who they are, then do yourself a favor and go back to the Kingdom Hall.