Clearly though, the Jehovah's Witnesses boast constantly of being better than and not having problems like other religions or the non-religious. How can the Watchtower prove that? Also, if anyone does develop an ongoing known problem within them, then, they "kick out" most of those members and then they think they are mostly "squeaky clean" again.
Jehovah's Witnesses "snapping" under pressure, their flawed doctrine must be sending people "over the edge"!
by the research lady 42 Replies latest jw friends
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I'm taking my parents to the hospital today to see my b-i-l. Less than 10 minutes ago, my father got very upset after reading todays' text which is about the meaning of "this generation". He said that he does not understand and gets angry whenever he reads their 'new' meaning, because he was always under the impression that those who saw the "beginning of pangs of distress" which the Borg still teaches happened in 1914, would also see the end of it.
I told him "dad...they had to come up with some excuse as to why Armageddon hasn't come yet and I guess that was the best they could do. Of course it makes absolutely no sense but their only other option is to drop 1914, which of course they won't do." He thought about that and was even more disturbed. I think it's starting to dawn on him that he's been the victim of a rather large lie but at his age, there's not much he can do about it.