by Mary 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    Poor guy. Prolonged sucks canal water.

    I'd like to pray, but I'm so pissed off and angry at God right now, that I cannot. Why the hell should humans have to continuously suffer like this? I better not ever get a Witness tell me it's because two people ate a piece of forbidden fruit 6,000 years ago, or I'll go balistic.

    Here's a little bit of wisdom that helps me:

    "The universe is not hostile, just indifferent."

    --Carl Sagan

    This gives me a lot of peace of mind. As we've discussed, I also have had an above-average amount of illnesses. I keep that sentence in mind so I don't go trying to wonder why a sky spirit is out to get me...or is failing to bless me...which just makes me very angry.

  • Mary

    Thanks again everyone.......we went up to see him yesterday, but he can't have any visitors right now. He's disoriented and somewhat confused, his temperature keeps going up and down, up and down and they don't know why. My sister has emailed the doctor in Toronto she originally spoke to about his condition to see if he can suggest anything.

    The terrifying thing is that if it's a viral infection, I don't think that antibiotics can really do alot---they're for bacterial infections. And if his body can't fight off the viral infection, then we know what the outcome is going to be. I just spoke to my sister and we both started crying............

    If anyone knows of any reason why someone's temperature would be going up and down, up and down like this, please let me know. I've suggested that she take him some Oil of Oregano as it is supposed to be very good for viral infections.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Thinking of you, Mary. Your BIL and sister are fortunate to have someone gutsy and loving like you on their side. Hope all will be looking more upwards from this day forward.

  • BabaYaga

    Agreed, Flying High.

    Mary, please check your PM's.


  • restrangled

    Just saw this thread Mary, my thoughts are with you and your family.


  • Mary

    Update for Sept 2nd: My brother in law is in the hospital again and it doesn't look good. They didn't get all the infection last time and it's come back with a vengence. He collapsed last night, my sister rushed him to the hospital where he collapsed again. His oxygen levels are minimal. They need to go down into his lung with a scope to find out what kind of infection he has. It's extremely risky because his platelet count is very low, so they're giving him two bags of platelets and one of the red blood cells. They wanted to give him two bags of the red, but there's not enough time. The infection is rapidly getting worse and they told her that if she had not brought him in when she did, he would not have survived the night. With his oxygen levels being so low, there's a very real chance that he could go into convulsions when they put the scope down him, and he could die right then and there.

    I'm at their place right now, just waiting for a phonecall to let me know if he survived or not.

    I'm so tired and heartbroken at having to deal with this on a never-ending basis............what the hell's the point in life........

  • jookbeard

    Be strong Mary, dont give up

  • Dagney

    (((((Mary and family)))))

  • Scully

    (((( Mary ))))

  • KW13

    I can't lie Mary and say that i know what outcome all this will have, its you faced with the harsh reality of it, along with your Sister and Brother in Law. Remember, your Sister has you to support her and on that score, you'll know you won't let her down which can only be a good thing.

    Take care and let us know what the story is. I wish you all the best.

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