Should Flu Shot be Mandatory?

by cameo-d 23 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • cameo-d

    From UK area:

    Nurses Assoc. Oppose

    Is this propaganda or a reliable news source?

    Have any of you heard what will be happening in your areas?

    In the past few years there has been much outrage over mandatory shots for children. Does anyone have update info as to how effective the protests were?

    What do you think about getting a flu shot and should they be mandatory?

  • purplesofa

    wow, from the second article

    "There is no exemption for religious or cultural preferences regarding immunization, effectively blocking individuals who have these beliefs from earning their livelihood," Avery said. "It's possible that nurses will leave the profession or choose another career because of this onerous mandate; a serious threat at a time when the shortage of nurses in New York State is expected to reach 20,000 within a decade."

    I worked for the hospitol as a courier for a few years. Three years I got the flu shot and got sick after getting the shot, the fourth year I declined and made it through the winter OK. Last year my daughter had her baby in January. The hospitol offered the flu shot to her before she left, I advised her to decline, she did and did not get the flu.

    I know they say the shots don't make you sick but I get sick getting the shot, so I no longer get them. I wonder if the hospitols here will make them mandatory this year.


  • mrsjones5

    I hope not. My family and I don't get the flu shot. My kids get a cold once a year and none of them have had the flu. I've had two lung infections in my 20's and something that was similar to flu a couple of years ago but it only lasted three days and like my kids I get a cold once a year that never last long. My father gets the shot every year and like clockwork he gets the flu every year too.


  • leavingwt


    I get the flu shot each year at work, for free. I wouldn't force it on anyone.

  • blondie
    Is there anyone who shouldn't get the flu shot?

    Yes. The following people should talk to their doctor before getting the flu shot:

    • People who have had an allergic reaction to a flu shot in the past
    • People with an allergy to eggs
    • People who previously developed Guillain-BarrĂ© Syndrome (a reversible reaction that causes partial or complete loss of movement of muscles, weakness or a tingling sensation in the body) within 6 weeks of getting a flu shot
    • Children less than 6 months of age
    • People who have a moderate or severe illness with a fever should wait until they feel better before receiving the flu shot
    Is there anyone who shouldn't get the nasal-spray vaccine?

    Yes. The following people should talk to their doctor before getting the nasal-spray vaccine:

    • Children less than 2 years of age
    • Adults 50 years of age and older
    • People with long-term health problems
    • People with weakened immune systems
    • Children or adolescents who are on long-term aspirin therapy
    • People with diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease or lung disease
    • People with a history of Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome
    • Pregnant women
    • People who have had an allergic reaction to a flu vaccine in the past or who are allergic to eggs
  • Uzzah

    Normally I would say it is up to each individual.

    This current situation is different. I would STRONGLY suggest that anyone between the ages of 10 and 25 receive the vaccine for the current H1N1 as well as the vaccine that will likely come out in December or January for any mutated version (the more deadly anticipated strain)

    More than 50% of the current people being impacted by H1N1 are in this age group. This vaccine is an opportunity to provide some immunity to this potentially lethal flu strain.

    In Canada, they are calculating 112,000 fatalities if this strain mutates with any of the typical seasonal flu strains.

    Any connection with an illness post flu shot is purely coincidental. Dead virii cannot make someone sick. All seasonal flu vaccines contain nothing living that can reproduce and make someone ill.

    Thay are now discussing school closures if there is a resurgence of a more deadly strain in the Fall. The more we can protect our kids the better. Remember the Society once said vaccines were evil. Don't fall into the same mindset.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I get myself and kids flu shots every year to make sure we don't get it and to make sure we don't carry it to others. My daughter and I get EXTREMELY sick from the flu. We get bedridden for no less than 10 days at minimum. It's very painful to have the flu.

  • caliber
    Any connection with an illness post flu shot is purely coincidental. Dead virii cannot make someone sick. All seasonal flu vaccines contain nothing living that can reproduce and make someone ill.

    I have heard this thought before... all I can say is quite a number of years ago both the wife and I got our one and only

    flu shot... within one hour we were both severly sick with flu like systoms. I never get any flu's but that year I did !

    Years have went by I still never get the flu.. friends who try to convince me to get the shot usually get the flu

    at least once every winter. .. I just don't quite understand !!! I know this quote is considered fact so what's up ? ....

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    My kids and I never once got sick BECAUSE OF the flu shot. In fact, we never got sick at all after receiving it. I got a cold once, but that was unrelated to the shot. Everyone was getting sick and I just happened to have gotten exposed before the shot.

  • Finally-Free

    As I understand it, a flu shot isn't designed to protect against every possible strain of flu, but only the more serious strains that have a possibility of spreading in our region. Getting a flu shot is no guarantee that you won't get sick with a different strain.

    I get a flu shot every year. Some years I get sick, most years I don't. I don't think they should be mandatory though.


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