Should Flu Shot be Mandatory?

by cameo-d 23 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Uzzah

    Of interest:

    On July 29, ACIP met to consider who should receive H1N1 vaccine when it becomes available. The details are available at CDC web site -- however for your ready reference I have extracted out the relevant section: It should be noted that the H1N1 vaccine (when available) is not intended to replace the seasonal flu vaccine – it is intended to be used along-side seasonal flu vaccine. The groups recommended by ACIP to receive the H1N1 influenza vaccine include:

    1. Pregnant women because they are at higher risk of complications and can potentially provide protection to infants who cannot be vaccinated;
    2. Household contacts and caregivers for children younger than 6 months of age because younger infants are at higher risk of influenza-related complications and cannot be vaccinated. Vaccination of those in close contact with infants less than 6 months old might help protect infants by “cocooning” them from the virus;
    3. Healthcare and emergency medical services personnel because infections among healthcare workers have been reported and this can be a potential source of infection for vulnerable patients. Also, increased absenteeism in this population could reduce healthcare system capacity;
    4. All people from 6 months through 24 years of age
      • Children from 6 months through 18 years of age because we have seen many cases of novel H1N1 influenza in children and they are in close contact with each other in school and day care settings, which increases the likelihood of disease spread, and
      • Young adults 19 through 24 years of age because we have seen many cases of novel H1N1 influenza in these healthy young adults and they often live, work, and study in close proximity, and they are a frequently mobile population; and,
    5. Persons aged 25 through 64 years who have health conditions associated with higher risk of medical complications from influenza.
  • Uzzah


    I have heard this thought before... all I can say is quite a number of years ago both the wife and I got our one and only flu shot... within one hour we were both severly sick with flu like systoms. I never get any flu's but that year I did !

    Considering most if not all flu virus usually takes 48-72 hours from time of exposure before someone would have any symptoms, it is likely you had some form of allergic reaction (or psychosomatic) rather than 'getting the flu'. I am not discounting your experience but it is not scientifically sound that you got 'the flu' from the flu shot.

    In order to get sick from a bacteria or virus, there has to be enough of the bug inside of you to overwhelm your immune system so it goes into full attack mode. This and a weak immune system (often caused by lack of sleep, poor diet, stress) are usually the components required to be sick. Thus even if the vaccine contained a live virus, it would take at least two to three days for it to reproduce in sufficient quantity to make someone ill.

    Allergic reactions require an existing sensitivity such as to eggs (contained in most vaccines) so that upon even limited exposure the body's immune system goes into overload/high gear.

    There are plenty of well researched web sites that can do a better job explaining the science behind the above statements. I encourage everyone to do their own research from reputable sources (aka not Jim Carrey & Oprah).


  • caliber

    Ok same thought as you Uzzah... makes sense here

    Often patients are too quick to identify a cause and effect, says Heim. This frequently happens, for example, with patients who receive a flu shot and then get sick soon after. They tend to blame the vaccine since it contains dead strains of the flu virus, but since it will never become active again, it's likely an allergic reaction or a coincidence

    I'll go with allergic reaction.. both H40 and I getting the flu onset at the same time would be a coincidence with odds of about a billion

    to one

    Jim is my in depth consultant for all my medical queries ......

  • BurnTheShips
    Should Flu Shot be Mandatory?

    I get mine every year, but no it should not be mandatory. This thread, along with the one regarding cameras being installed in private homes, make it look like the UK is going to hell in a handbasket. But hey, they have universal government administered healthcare. What some fail to realize is that the same mindset is behind both things.


  • Farkel

    There is a slippery slope when a Government starts mandating things like flu shots. Let the Government take a little power and decision making away from you and they'll only want to take more away. I wonder how the majority of people in the People's Republic of England feel about this matter?

    Anyone remember the Hong Kong flu vaccination fiasco?


  • coffee_black

    I have never had a flu shot. I have had the flu a couple of times in my lifetime... was over it in less than 3 days both times. I will determine whether I will take a flu shot or not. Period. What are they going to do...arrest me, hold me down and force it on me? I think not.


  • BurnTheShips
    I have never had a flu shot. I have had the flu a couple of times in my lifetime... was over it in less than 3 days both times. I will determine whether I will take a flu shot or not. Period. What are they going to do...arrest me, hold me down and force it on me? I think not.

    No, but they can enact laws to deny you access to healthcare if you do not comply. And in a single payer system, you may have no other options.


  • daniel-p

    The flue shot doesn't really help a whole lot. This is common knowledge among the health professions.

  • daniel-p

    More specifically speaking, they're not really sure if it does ANY good. Studies are inconclusive. So there you go. The people pushing for this as policy are the ones least knowledgeable about the facts and driven by fear.

  • blondie

    Many states if not all allow vaccination exemptions for "reasons of conscience." In many ways this is for religious reasons but not always. But it could become a 1st Amendment issue if it isn't already.

    Texas for example:


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