Should Flu Shot be Mandatory?

by cameo-d 23 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • coffee_black

    No, but they can enact laws to deny you access to healthcare if you do not comply. And in a single payer system, you may have no other options.

    I hear you... which is why I want nothing to do with a government run health care system. They can't even run medicare or medicaid...both are failing...and they want to run all of it?! That's a blueprint for disaster.


  • caliber

    We have Universal health care in Canada.. have had for decades... the system hasn't gone to hell yet !....

    It must be all our "honest " politicans here keeping it straight and pure ....

  • kurtbethel

    No way! A government that has that much power over someone as to compel them to do something with such life or death consequences has gone over the dictatorship cliff. If the shot is really effective as it is claimed, people who do not take it are only putting themselves and others who opted out at risk and no one who got the shot would be harmed. That is, IF the truth is being told.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    If it has squalene in it, it should be voluntary.

    If it is mandatory, any adverse health effects resulting from it should be paid for by the people who mandated it..... personally.

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