Am I a trinitarian ?

by PSacramento 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • passwordprotected

    LeavingWT is right; I haven't attended a church where belief in and understanding of the Trinity are in anyway expected or required. When we were baptised we weren't quizzed on it, for example.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    ...I beieve that Jesus is Divine, ONE with God, inseperable from God, is that still Modalisim?

    I think we need more information. Do you believe Jesus is the same person as the Father?

  • PSacramento


    No I don't think Jesus and God are the same person, I believe that God resides in Jesus, that they are in perfect union because that is how God wills it to be, all that God is Jesus is and all that jesus is, God is.

    Jesus is the "embodiment" and manifestation of all of God's qualities, including God divinity.

  • leavingwt
    No I don't think Jesus and God are the same person

    The words you're using may be adding to the confusion.

    For the sake of discussion, let's be clear.

    Three Persons: (1) The Father, (2) The Son and (3) The Holy Spirit

    You used the word, "God" above, as being synonymous with "the Father". This is a bit confusing.

  • PSacramento


    I believe that God, Jesus and the HS are sepreate and distinct persons in the sense of different personalities though they refelect each other perfectly, BUT that God is in union with Jesus and the HS, that they ( Jesus and the HS) can't exist as we know them, without God.

  • leavingwt


    You are most definitely NOT a Trinitarian. If "Jesus is not God", then your Christian beliefs, are by definition, non-Trinitarian. (They are also not in the mainstream, meaning MOST self-described Christians hold a different view. Some Fundamentalists would deny that you are a Christian.)


  • JWoods
    No I don't think Jesus and God are the same person, I believe that God resides in Jesus, that they are in perfect union because that is how God wills it to be, all that God is Jesus is and all that jesus is, God is.
    Jesus is the "embodiment" and manifestation of all of God's qualities, including God divinity.

    This, I think, was where both Marion and Ed Dunlap had pretty much arrived at post-witnesses after a number of years. I remember being rather put off by it at the time as it sort of sounded a little trinitarian to me.

    Of course, I have generally grown more into agnosticism since then.

  • PSacramento



    Its funny cause most JW's view me as a Trinitarian and most Christians don't, so I must be doing something right ! ;)

    On a side note, last time I checked, no where ( in the bible) does belief in Jesus being God equate to being a Christian, what defines a Christain, in short, is his/her belief that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, our Lord and Saviour, that he died and was ressurected and is itting at the right hand of God.


  • leavingwt


    I am a champion of Liberty. I will only be happy if you're worshipping/believing at YOU SEE FIT.

    Any one of us can interpret the Scriptures to support ANY idea. We have an abundance of proof for that.


  • JWoods

    History Channel on the subject made the claim that much of the Aryan/Athanasian debate was really over whether Christ was just a mere mortal prophet or should be viewed as a divine.

    They seemed to think that Christianity (in the full "Catholic" sense) would not have been historically possible if the other side had won the debate.

    Witnesses believe that the wrong side won it, and that this was the first stroke of "apostacy" for the Christian church - only to be eliminated and the church made pure again by C. T. Russell.

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