Reniaa said:
hi isaac
I have the shema it states clearly that my God YHWH is one God where is your scripture that says God is 3? thats right it doesn't exist. And thats simply why we shouldn't believe in the trinity it isn't biblical as a doctrine.
My reply: You mother must be so proud of you! Scripture does not say the words "God is three", scripture shows that there is one true God, yet there are three persons to this being who operate perfectly in harmony as one entity. I agree with Shema that YHWH is one god.
Psacramento please don't start buying into trinity lies you will find yourself having to avoid most of the hebrew scriptures in an attempt to rationionalise the doctrines that are not supported by trinitarian scriptures. like no awareness after death etc.
Psac, you are on the right track and the good thing is you are not simply accepting what I say or someone else says. While we do not all agree on everything I feel you are on the right track. You will observe the Hebrew scriptures nicely show Jesus to be God. take care