We are told to submit and deal with authorities till Jesus's return
the war angle is interesting http://www.centeronconscience.org/woc/jehovahs_witnesses.shtml borg statement
They do not involve themselves in any way in the military affairs of the world, having already enrolled as soldiers of Jesus Christ. They know that they cannot serve two masters nor can they allow themselves to be distracted from the preaching activity earthwide (Matthew 24:14; 28:19, 20).
The Bible forbids their meddling or taking part in the political affairs or controversies of nations.
These Christians await the time when Jesus Christ will rule the world as the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Meanwhile, they remain law-abiding and peaceable, cooperating with the governmental authorities in all things which do not conflict with God's law. In those few instances where there is a direct conflict between God's law and that of the state, they "obey God as ruler rather than men" (Acts 5:29). Nevertheless, in so doing they offer no active resistance to the constituted, legal authorities and are quite willing to accept the consequences of their conscientious objection (Romans 13:1, 2; Titus 3:1; Isaiah 2:4; Matthew 22:39).
so they have absolutely no political aspirations but they put their faith in intergovernmental organisations that involve themselves in politico millitary controls, that promise peace and security for all mankind to lobby authorities and governments to do it for them cos theyve been forbidden to do it themselves?
s'ok then.